Moving seedling from fluorescent to HID


I have some seedlings under fluorescent t12 40w bulbs x2 and I'm wondering when is a good time/growth stage to introduce them to the 400watt MH. I've read posts referring to the height of the plant as the reference for when to move. In my experience with gardening and other plants I understand that plant height doesn't always relate to vegetative growth or over all maturity of the plant. Can anyone give a reference in terms of sets of leaves? Or is it just a heat issue beyond the first set of leaves? This is my group currently at 10-12 days. Too soon?​


Active Member
Well u can start them under hid lights but I wouldn't and to do so you would just hang the light farther away .I would move them under the 400w HID when there (at least )a foot tall but that's me. I use t5s for veg and hid to flower and I have had 4 ft mother plants under a couple t5s and it worked just fine and I know t12's work good too.