moving on?


Well-Known Member
The video in the OP was good and thought provoking.
My how shallow your thoughts are.

Without really listening to what black people are saying, white people in the US don't and can't fully understand racism towards black people, much less how to come together and finally end this bullshit. Joyner Lucas said later that he self censored in order to end the vid in a hug. You didn't get the real story. He softened it because he knew if he really laid it on true his racist white audience would reject it. That's weak.

Listen to the dialogue. The racist (actually a voice over from Joyner Lucas) voices racist attitudes and sayings without expressing an understanding that he is racist,or what is racist about what he says, then says I'm not racist. The rebuttal is simply a statement of history and complaints. It was clearly not a meeting of the minds as you white boys are interpreting.

Here are two rap artists who do a better job of responding to the racist statements and sentiment at the beginning of the vid

Here is valid criticism of the video from people in the black community.


Well-Known Member
Cultural Marxism is a nazi conspiracy theory that posits that Jews are riling black people, immigrants, gay people and others to destroy society

That’s just plain fact
You don't even know what the term "cultural Marxism" means..

"The term 'cultural Marxism' has an academic usage within cultural studies, where it refers to a form of anti-capitalist cultural critique which specifically targets those aspects of culture that are seen as profit-driven and mass-produced under capitalism."
