Moving from CFL/Fluoro to HPS mid-flower


Active Member
Is this a bad idea? Will it kill my plant, now that I have the capability to use HPS when it's been under fluoros and CFLs since the start?


Well-Known Member
it will not kill your plant, but i'm not sure you'll really see much of a benefit this late into the cycle. If I were you I would wait until my next round of grow and stick eith teh HPS for the whole cycle (and keep the CFL/FLURO for side lighting)


Active Member
Adding to the comments of magic, I also believe that at the end of the budding stage you may not see much physical difference in your plant's bud size, but there might be an increase in the amount of resin they contain. One of the purposes of the resin (apart from catching pollen) is to protect the leaves from the brightness of sunlight when it is too strong and so, by putting them under a brighter, hotter, more intense light than cfls and fluoros you may see an increase in potency. Even if this is wrong it might make you feel better!


Well-Known Member
i went from cfl's to a 400 hps after my first week in flowering. i think you well be doing yourself a big favor by going with the hps


Well-Known Member
i have done this after 35 days of flowering and have noticed a tremendous changes in the size and density of the buds super happy i have done this because not only are they bigger and alot more dense they also have produced alot more resin like 5Five said. its in my grow journel....check it out if you want


Well-Known Member
Do it! I stuck my plants under 150w HPS after about a month under CFLs. The leaves are almost too close together now.


Active Member
Do it, put my babies under 400w hps after vegging in cfl's when i started flowering ... they went crazy!!! Never hurts to have more light ... just watch your temps, they get harder to regulate (at least for me). Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
The HPS will help for sure!

If you can keep the CFLs on as well and the plant will love you for it