Movies that have a Holy shit moment


Well-Known Member
So one of my favorite kind of movies are those ones that make you think alot and try to figure out whats going on

My 3 best examples are Fight Club, Lucky number Slevin, and the sixth sense
The worst exmple i could use is The Village it had a holy shit moment in it but it made me feel like i just wasted a hour n a half of my life

I really like being high (even sober) and reaching the point of the movie where the only thing you can say is, holy shit. like finding out that 1 guy even doesnt even exist or that "Bruce Willis is dead" (which truly is the worst thing that you can yell out in a theatre, not fire trust me ive done both :D)

But ya im about to watch the movie Se7en and was wondering if anyone knows of any other movies with good holy shit moments

But please other then the bruce willis joke this is a spoiler free thread plz dont ruin it for others


Active Member
I watched Valkery a couple of weeks ago and the end was soo holy shit! I didn't even realized they did all this shit to people! They were hanging guys with string like they do cattle! It was intense! I know I'm a big dork :lol:


Well-Known Member
I watched Valkery a couple of weeks ago and the end was soo holy shit! I didn't even realized they did all this shit to people! They were hanging guys with string like they do cattle! It was intense! I know I'm a big dork :lol:
is that the one when they tried to assassinate hitler???

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
You definitely got the 2 biggest ones...

Se7en and Sixth Sense.
Another good one is Shawshank Redemption... the poster and rock carver. I would say more, but I wouldn't want to ruin it for those who have seen it.
Another huge one is "Luke, I am your father."


Well-Known Member
You definitely got the 2 biggest ones...

Se7en and Sixth Sense.
Another good one is Shawshank Redemption... the poster and rock carver. I would say more, but I wouldn't want to ruin it for those who have seen it.
Another huge one is "Luke, I am your father."
Ya ive seen tha shank

it kinda ruined it for me since i saw the family guy version first

but ya its pretty good


lets see

war of the worlds when you watch that dude get his insides sucked out

annnddd now im drawing a blank =/


Well-Known Member
yeah but the part he was talking about was was at the end
ya the ending was pretty fuked up

thats like how id imagine having god and satan fuck me in the eye sockets while the klown from IT eats my dick off


Well-Known Member
Identity - John Cusack (Crazy Movie)

Fight Club great too, Mist (Messed Up) and OldBoy (Probably the most messed up movie EVER!)

Hank's Hooter

Active Member
I will check out Oldboy.

Watched the Horsemen the other day. First good "oh shit" movie I have seen in a while. As a matter of fact, just thinking back to the movie made me say "oh shit" again!


Well-Known Member
Another Oh Shit movie with a fucked up ending is Requiem of a Dream

after i saw that movie i was just like Holy shit

I remember for the first half hour after that movie i just kinda sat on the couch, just thinking and reviewing everything that happened in that movie

anyone who's seen that should know what im talking about. its a pretty fukin intense movie