moved from HPS to LED

hello i want to move from hps to led.. i have grow tent 120X240X200 CM
I am looking for replacement to 600w hps..
which leds should i buy ?

sorry for my english


Active Member
I have grown with led and hps and in my opinion led are brilliant at vegging but not that good at flowering. I find the buds just don't get that sticky feeling with the led lighting system. It saves a fortune on electricity and is great for no heat. But the hps flowers stickier buds. So I now use the leds for veg only and flower under hps 600w. That's just my opinion. I'm sure other people on here would be able to tell you the advantages and disadvantages. I only use the led for the first week of flowering as the girls are still lookin for the blue spectrum. My led is 450w I think and has veg and bloom switches on it.


Well-Known Member
Pacific light concepts. Best led on the market. They run cree cxb 3070 cobs

1 panel will come close to a 600. They say it out performs a 400w hps. It pulls around 300w. 2 panels will match a 1000w

Check this thread

If you're in Europe hans panels are great from bonsai hero. 4 of those 80w panels will match a 600w hps.

Cobs are the best leds out. You can build your own too. Plenty of how to diy cob threads in the led section.
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