Moveable Platforms Under 600 Watts


Active Member
To start, I have a 4x4x7 insulated 2x4 framed room. I'm tired of moving plants to gather run off water so I've decided to build 3 1'x4' platforms. It will be built with 2x4s and plywood covering the bottom. Then I will add an elastomeric coating to create a water tight 3 1/2 inch deep "container". At one end of the 1x4 container i will add pvc to drain the runoff. I need a way to raise these platforms easily.I've thought about 4 yoyo hangers. One for each corner, but idk if that's strong enough. How well do ratchet yoyos work? Any ideas or modifications to my design would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Why not just raise everything and create a drainage system underneath to catch run off and use an incline to send it where you need it to go?



Active Member
That was my original plan, but then I decided it would be better if I could raise lower them so I can plant in stages. The light will stay at the top and I can keep the canopy level. As the plant grows, lower the platform. I know it sounds like I'm over complicating it, but it would work if I could find an easy to use support system. Plus I enjoy challenges and building.


Well-Known Member
You could just use extra platforms for specific plants.

I used to just use extra pots to gain more height on smaller plants.

Turn the pot upside down and sit the smaller plant on top.

Problem solved without over complicating things.



Active Member
That's what I do already. It isnt optimal bc the canopy is uneven. I have 3 stages of plants 12/12 from seed. I want to be able to pull rope or have some kind of lift assist to pick the entire row of plants up. Once it's done, the work load will be much less for every grow after. If I can get it into an optimal condition, I'll be harvesting one row every 3-4 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Some sort of pulley system with rope would work as long as you built a tray to hold the weight and as long as the anchor points in the ceiling etc could take the weight. Hooks in the floor to secure ropes to at your desired heights.



Active Member
That's what I've been considering. Anyone have experience with ratchet yoyo's? how do they release? Is it a free fall? I could use them to anchor the pulley system. My frame and trays are well built. They can support the weight. My only problem is that I don't have much space to move around in the room. It is a 4x4, 3 1'x4' trays will leave room for my ac fans and heater


I have personally not used these ratchet yoyo's. Have you thought about using a hydraulic kind of like a jack or a scissor lift to put on the bottom of the trays. You could even use an electric motor with a switch to control it. I'm not sure if you are interested in that much work, but it would be able to support very large weights and would be easy to use. Just a thought. Good Luck!


Active Member
That seems like overkill but I like the idea of a motor doing the work. I'll have to do some research on some type of motorized yoyo


Well-Known Member
I have used ratchet yo-yo's, and they're pretty awesome...That little "lever" on the left side is a spring loaded release, so they only go down when you press that raise them, you just pull on the loose end of the rope where it enters the ratchet device and it . Though, if you're lowering something, you want to brace it, or hold the loose end of the rope taut as you depress the little switch to prevent things from collapsing...But once again, it's spring loaded, so you let go and everything stops lowering/falling.