Mother plants


Active Member
Hey guys,
Is it ok to run mothers outdoor?

I have already taken clones from them, and I only want to take one more batch of cuttings from them in a few weeks, after that they will be going into the ground.

my main concern is bugs infiltrating my indoor grow room.

Im also curious how you guys control root growth in your mothers, I have to keep re-potting them.

check out the camouflage :) and the head of my security :)

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Well-Known Member
I am sure it is fine for a couple weeks. I have kept a mother in a small cab with some CFLs, though only or a few months. I just timmed, trained, etc. My cycle...
1) grow from seed. Take some clones just before flower
2) one of those clones becomes a mother in a cab out of my tent
3) veg her out, top, train, etc
4) as flowering on original seed grow gets closer, I pull some clones off the mother in the cab
5) veg them out a little. Idea is to timevo they are small but established when the tent opens up
6) after harvest of seed plants, throw the mom and babies into the tent on 12-12
7) start again with seeds


Well-Known Member
You'd probably be better off taking the cuttings prior to or within the first week of putting them outside or else risk the threat of having to reveg the clones...moving plants in and out does have its risks for insect infestation...once the mothers are outdoors in winter they will transition to flowering quickly