Mother Plant


Active Member
I am planning for this coming outdoor season and would rather do clones than seeds, the only problem is i am on a strict budget.

My question is, Will a 2 bulb 4ft t5 fixture be enough to grow say three plant until i find a female and then keep it as a mother? I am wondering because these light fixtures are only 100 bucks. some one please help me out

Thanks, peeeacee:leaf:


Active Member
This also will be my first indoor grow, my last outdoor grow was completly from seed so i am also going to be new to cloning,
that is if this is all possible .
The general rule is you want at least 100watts per plant.

If you are going to be using those style lights I would suggest LSTing your plant or hanging them vertical to make best use of the short range.

I would personally have used a bunch of cfl's plugged into wall outlet adapters plugged into a power bar.


Weed Modifier would be enough, since you are just starting and looking for the one female to use as a mother.


Active Member
For about the same amount of $$ you could pick up a 100w HPS "security" light from Home Depot or somewhere like it. Mine was $85


Active Member
^^ really, ill have to check these lights out. the only thing im thinkin about a hps is that you cannot have the light directly over the plant like with fluoresents, so im thinkin the plant would stretch alot more