Mother Plant: Soil or Soilless Mix?


I'd like to set up a Mother Plant or 2 for my clones that way I don't lose time in the process...

However I"m a bit confused.

Should I grow my Mother in soil or soilless mix? And what brands should I use?

Also, I know Mother Plant just needs veg nutes, but aren't you supposed to give her less nitrogen and more phosphorus?

Any help on keeping a Mother Plant, feeding and set up is GREATLY appreciated!


Legal Moderator, Esq.
I'd like to set up a Mother Plant or 2 for my clones that way I don't lose time in the process...

However I"m a bit confused.

Should I grow my Mother in soil or soilless mix? And what brands should I use?

Also, I know Mother Plant just needs veg nutes, but aren't you supposed to give her less nitrogen and more phosphorus?

Any help on keeping a Mother Plant, feeding and set up is GREATLY appreciated!
I'd use a mix of perlite, vemiculite, and peat moss as a base, that would give it a lot of root room and not have any nutes in the soil. One thing you don't want is pre-nuted soil simply because you'll get used to the soil helping feed the plant then when that runs out it'll be a mess.


Well-Known Member
i am in the same exact boat. i have been told soil is better for mothers. i use the Roots Organics pre-mixed soil. has everything in it i would use if i were to mix my own. as far as the nutes, yes you wil only need veg nutes. and a few additives if you like, but that is were im having troubles. i grow in Sunshine Mix Advanced #4. i have really good results with that stuff, so so far so good. i am having an impossible time with my clones. they all die on me, and im doing it the "right" way. i put quotes in right because i have posted a thread and every thing i listed in my procedure. i have my mothers under a t5 light. and they love it!! i have only 3 mothers right now. and i may throw them into flower once i can pull a clone off each one. i wasn't happy with the growth, i was keeping them for practice and for the phenotypes. but lol, all my clones have died. i need to know when is the best time to water/feed a mother plant and when the best time to take cuttings is. it seems im nuting at the wrong time and taking cuttings at the wrong times. i also hear some people take cuttings from the bottom, some take from the top. everyone has there own methods.


If I were to use soil, how do I know when it's time to feed the mother?

I know with soilless mix you start with nutes right away, because the mix itself has nothing.

However the reason I ask about soil is the last time I tried to keep a mother, she went complete mad on me. Basically I didn't know that soil already has so much nutes and I started giving her more and more and more. And well you get the picture, it took a while but when I noticed that something was wrong it was time to get rid of her. :( All those nutes went to complete waste as she was way overfed and died.

So I'm just confused on the whole soil part.

Thanks again!