Most Shameful Smoke


Well-Known Member
shit.. i remember one time me n my old roommate were hurtin pretty bad so he took all the pipes and bowl pieces we had for our bongs
nd made oil out of it ... nastyest tastin shit ever.. fuckin chunks of old burned weed and ashes made up like half of what we were smokin


Well-Known Member
i remember when i was 15 years old in high school, my friend had this huge redish pipe. Which was about about 7 inches long and was a pretty heavy. We smoked out of this pipe daily after school, smoked everything from regs, haze, and some ak. When we were both about 17 we were smoking in the garage hang out we had, My friend got spooked and stood up and drops and breaks the pipe in half. I was just like "damn, that sucks" he just started cursing repeadly until he saw how thick in resin that pipe was. We smoked nothing but resin for about a couple days straight. Thats probably the most shameful smoke.

P.S. Nothing wrong with saving up roaches and rolling a blunt with them. I do it all the time i save up about 6-9 roaches and i just break them all up and roll a fat blunt with and it always get me high as hell, the smoke is also milky when your hitting it.


New Member
i had a pipe for like 6 months, it broke and i scraped 4 grams of resin and we smoked it all in a wal-mart parking lot and huffed whipped cream cans.....


Well-Known Member
The worst thing I ever tried to smoke was the first hash oil I tried to make. I don't recall the method we used but it wasn't simple like butane. It involved cooking and mixing and straining off things and some kind of other solvent. And it did appear to turn out a nice honey color so I was really stoked while waiting for it to dry out.

But It never would dry out. Months later my gf and I had nothing and remembered that shit...

Oh man I have never tasted anything so nasty before or since and it really wasn't even as stony as the shake it came from.
Clearly we did something wrong, but to this day I don't know what. Resin is a real treat in comparison.


Well-Known Member
Ive gone so low as to dig between the seats in my car , normally always find a joint worth of scraps/hair/salt/fries/gummie bears. Probably not a good thing, but hey when in rome.


Active Member
just the other i was was broke as shit and i had been smoking sum nice nug for like the past week and i threw all the roachs in the same area so one morning i woke up and was like damn i need to smoke and had no but so i went outside and gatherd all of them up and made a fattie and it got me pretty fuckin high


Well-Known Member
Havent found anybody selling weed for more than a week and been sober for two days, currently smoking weed i found in the corner of my desk mixed with stems and crystal from all my old stash bags.... this is gonna be gross.


Well-Known Member
im infamous for my blunt roach graveyard and every last day of the month i consolidate them in another blunt...tastes like shit but get ready to be on your ass...other then that i think im pretty of guilty taking "Resin Rips" from empty bowls when im dry


New Member
the shit i just bought the other day is the worst weed ive smoked in a yr or so. really thin bud matter,real dry,no stickyness,tastes like crap,gives a headache,almost no buzz.. What lil buzz there is is all head..


New Member
this shit has really thin stims but no seeds.. Light green with red/brown "hairs".. But its dry as hell and almost 0 THC.