mortal kombat vs DC universe


Well-Known Member
"hello everybody...i'd like to introduce you to the thizzelle donse! thizzelle dance? thizzelle donse I said! CAN YA DO THE THIZZELLE DONSE!" nahhaha! lol! nah:mrgreen: wussup everyone! dont mind me just some old mac dre shit. anyway has anybody seen the mortal kombat vs DC trailer. yes i know what you're thinkin. "Thats dumb" or Superman could kill them all by himself. He is vurnerable to magic though. Shang Tsung has it. And Like I said i saw the trailer and it looked hella sick! The charachters i did see from dc were Supes,batman,the flash, catwoman,. From mk the usual. Scorpion, sub z, sonya, shang tsung. The gameplay however "looked similar" to the gameplay on the previous mks. So what do u guys think. post your thoughts~! :peace:


Active Member
Not a big fan of fighting games. Looking forward to Final Fantasy XIII and Versus XIII, as well as the last game in the Final Fantasy VII Compilation.

Other games I'm looking at are: Resistance 2, Fallout 3, God of War 3, SOCOM: Confrontation, and Resident Evil 5.