Morning or Afternoon Sun?


Well-Known Member
Does it differ?

Should my plant get more sun in the morning or in the afternoon?

As of right now it gets sun from sunrise until it's almost dark i think...


Active Member
the sun will probably be better the more you have no matter what time, but its more effectivew with more strength as in the afternoon, jsut give it as much as u can get.

hey how old,breed,and any other factors(fertalizer ect..)????


from experience outdoors morning sun and afternoon sun are awsome but in august the late afternoon and evning sun seem to dry things out a bit.

an example my backyard gets morning and afternoon direct sun till about 3-4 pm then it goes on the other side of my house and sets in my frontyard.
backyard is always green and front is always dry and brown
here is a pic from the morning sun

