more oxygen


Well-Known Member
i have heard that adding hydrogen peroxide with your water will add oxygen for your plants. if this is so how much of it per gallon would you use? running 1x400w hps, 2x100w cfls(one on each side of hps), small fan,2xsmall bottles of home made c02 behind the fan,all white room(white garbage bags) using no nuts yet(just starting them) in a basment so its not too hot(5x12x6 room) think i have been over wattering a bit bottem leaves turnning yellow!! just did it all at once strong plants you can hit them with your finger and they stay up. can adding this to the watter help(when i get them to dry out a bit and get ready to watter again)


Well-Known Member
If you can't find a previously posted thread about it, why not start the experiment and find out for yourself.

This link might help: ""
or ""

Let us know how it goes once you get too impatient for anyone else to answer.

Good luck,