More BS From The UK Press.


Well-Known Member
I left a comment. This is the second article I have seen like this out of the UK. It all started with a study that basically said young people with tendencies toward scitzophrenia (sp) should not smoke pot. The author of the study has diputed that the sstudy shows any casual link. Of course that part is being ignored. THe stupid thing about this is how much money they could ahve for caring foe the mentally ill if the didn't ahve to pay the 'costs' of the drug war. VV


Well-Known Member
at least only dumb folk will believe it....Daily Mail readers cant even think for themselves


Well-Known Member
The thing is this "news story" also said that this poor woman was taking speed on a daily basis. Amphetamine psychosis is the cause of this tragedy, not cannabis. Amphetamine psychosis is very well documented. D. Young and W.B. Scoville first noticed a link between amphetamine use and psychosis in 1938. It has since been shown that chronic amphetamine use often leads to psychotic symptoms. It is totally irresponsible to blame cannabis and not mention amphetamine psychosis


Active Member
hey guys now i live in uk and let me tell you this BS that the british government are pumping out is beyond fookin contempt pls what your hearing over there is only the tip of the iceburg were getting murders, pycho ppl alover the news and guess what they all were high on Ganja wen they did theses crimes i mean i know thayt america are hard on ppl for any crime never mind ganja growin but is there the whole fuckin psyco babble going on about it there i would love to know THE BRITISH ARE SHEEP they dont know what to do unless someone from the government tells em but they aint fooling all of us beleve me.


Active Member
Yeah the government is giving the nod and a wink to any media outlet that will print shit stories to confirm that weed is evil and it's true people do believe this shit, the majority of us don't get a chance to respond to the blatant lies that are being spread around about ganja. The people that are against the legalization don't have the slightest clue about what they are keeping from the world.
Politicians are constantly quoting results from this or that survey or a study conducted by Doctor blah de blah, but we never hear how the very people who carry out these surveys and studies are either funded by the government and so will produce any result the government wants or are given a "DONATION" by an "ANONYMOUS DONATOR". Its all just a big game to the politicians, a game that gets them power and money. all the crap that is said by the media has definitely affected the progress towards legalization and we seem to have very little chance at ever putting a stop to this propaganda crap unless we somehow are given an equal platform from which to voice our views and state facts, to challenge the government to listen to the people and stop dictating what we can or cannot use for self medication OR recreation as long as we are harming no one .