

Active Member
Its really no telling if it would affect it. Every plant is different during photosynthesis, all you can really do is test it.


Active Member
Lunar cycles are tied directly to coral spawning events, even in home aquariums. They're also tied directly to THE GRUNION RUN!

I think you're thinking of Kelvin, as in color rating or temperature. The light coming off the moon has a Kelvin rating, but it's not a "cycle" of any sort.

My own question had a lot less to do with lunar gravitational effects than how lighting changes naturally throughout the 24 hour period.

he might be talking about the Calvin cycle. I remember something about it from science in high school a few years ago. off the top of my head I have no clue what it is, but *googles* . . .

Okay, I kinda remember It's basically how the plant 'eats'. During the 'light cycle', two products are made that are used in the Calvin Cycle; ATP and NADPH. They are both sources of high energy for the plant.

Step 1. a carbon molecule from CO2 enters the cycle and joins with a 5-carbon molecule that's floatin' around in there. So now you have O2 (oxygen) and a 6-carbon thingamabobber.

Step 2. ATP takes some of its energy and breaks up the 6-carbon molecule into two 3-carbon molecules. ATP turns to ADP. NADPH uses some of its energy too, and turns to NADP.

Step 3. A carbon atom falls off, and is used for G3P (will explain later).
(oh, and the 3+2 carbon molecule turned back into a 5-carbon one, and used some more ATP to change, so now we have more ADP)

G3P has 3 carbons, so it takes 3 cycles to make a G3P. Glucose (sugar [[FOOD]]) has 6 carbons, so it takes two G3P's to make a glucose molecule.

Now i dont know if that was at all necessary to explain, but its nice to learn.
