Monkey's 2nd go - Nirvana's "Northern Light" - Autoflowering & Feminized - 400w HPS


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be too harsh on yourself, those AF were tore up from the floor up. Might not have even been your fault at all. Do yourself a favor and dont grow those Lowryders. I know you think I have an axe to grind with Nirvana, and maybe I do, but that stuff sucks. I suggest checking out Sannies, his seeds are outstanding. And, you can pick up one of his Breeder Choice seed packs for Thirty bucks. He charges five dollars for shipping. Thats cheaper than Nirvana and his genetics and breeding techniques are 100 times better.

But if you grow the Lowryders, then good luck and I hope they work out for you. Cryp.
In case you were interested in knowing, I grew out the shortryders (though I can't remember having journalled them) and they were pretty okay. They grew well, and the smoke was fine. One of them did this weird shit where it never stopped stretching between bud sites, but still produced plenty of smokables. I didn't notice a big difference between that smoke and the Northern Lights'. But comparing it to seedy bud is pretty disingenuine..