mold on buds


Active Member
What did you find difficult about water-curing? I think it's the easiest, most full-proof way to cure buds. You just submerge in water, leave the top open, change the water daily for seven days, dry and voila!! There is no checking humidity, or wondering when it's time to put into a jar, or how much to dry, or when they are ready, it's virtually mechanical.

Ya it's going to be different than air-cure, but I figure the OP could read about it and decide if that's what they might want.
I agree in the sense that you don't need to worry about humidity and all that. Don't get me wrong here cause I believe water curing is superior to air in many ways. But seeing the circumstances that leplover described; well this is just my opinion but why cause the poor person even more strain by teaching them a new tek when all ells has already done to shit. That is all.