Mold experts please!!


Active Member
Ok I have run my sulfer burner 3 different times and foliar sprayed with garden cure fungicide twice and this crap will not go away


sorry hard to see but its polka dotted

should I just keep treatment up or try something new?
I looked for this in the search sorry its hard to use the search here

can everybody help please

it just keeps coming back in 3 days


Active Member
Alright since noone will help I'll update just went in with the fungicide spray and sprayed everything floor to ceiling fans duct work walls drenched everything but it is 2 hrs til lights so I'm going to leave them off for a few extra hours today to make sure I dont burn my buds last spray I did stressed um a little changed a few hairs. I'm praying this helps. I'll do a sulfer burn in a couple days. Any input thanx products technics 32 looks with no comments?

trichlone fiend

New Member
...fungus/mildew usually occurs when there's bad air circulation/high humidity, look into better airflow/more fans/dehumidifier.

I would remove the plants from the room, bleach your whole room from ceiling to floor, along with all your equipment. Wait until the room is dry before putting your ladies back in there...continue the use of the garden cure fungicide according to the directions ( however, I wouldn't spray past wk#5 of flowering, could cause rot) ....dilute the bleach with water, I add 1/2 cup of bleach to a gallon of water....and spray liberally.

...I'd really look into better airflow first and foremost. Good luck man, mildew can be a bitch.


Active Member
Wow thanx trichlone fiend man it while for a post. Thanx for response much appreciated.

I know it can. It's messed up cause it's a 2nd grow in a new room. And it came out of nowhere.
agree that your humidity levels are to high for want the humidity below 50% and i wouldnt use that shit they sell you @ the store...the best shit is hydrogen peroxide mixed @ 1 ounce per quart (Increase if persists). lower humidity to 30-40% and spray with h202 and problems will be solved.


Active Member
It is in the 30 to 40 range

P1000189.jpgP1000190.jpgThis one is at the far end the first is by my two scrubbers. I also have 2 box fans a tornado on medium and a little fan on high(pushes alot and can fit under foliage) I try to keep my room at 76 but I have 8000 watts and am never higher than 85. I didnt get just a store bought fungicide. It is from our well respected grow shop one of the largest in denver. If is store bought then somebody sold him on it - which?


Well-Known Member
had the same problem..i'd rip off that mylar since the powdery mildew is all over that now then get a good 70pint de-humidifier and drop ur humidity levels to 35%..when i got powdery mildew i tried everything and nothing worked then i spent big bucks on a dehumidifier and never had powdery mildew me ur ganna want to get that dehumidifier or that powdery mildew will fuk ur buds up


Active Member
Yeah I know thats funny that mylar is the only thing reused from my last room besides the lights this is my second round in this room. I battled mold in a tiny 1 bedroom this room is 3X the size. Battling it in the past was'nt easy, so if it gets any further out of control I'm screwed! I will look into the dehumidifier. And it does get higher after watering.

I stessed my plants out - set me back at least a week. I sprayed floor to ceiling ducts lights walls plants fukin everything it's in check momentarily. And I'm only half way through.
FUKIN X-Mas can't afford the de-hum till this ones done bah humbug. but I will take your advice thanx.


Well-Known Member
i used greenscure for visible mold. it really doesnt help that much. it works GREAT as a preventative every 2 weeks until you have decent buds, then you have to just get the humidity as low as possible and clean everything once a week with bleach spray(just your equipment/room, not your plants lol)


Well-Known Member
you got powdery mildew dood good luck with that it took me a year to get rid cost me around $100 in sprays


Active Member
Yep I'm in for the long haul I have to fix it after this room because I am doing my room in thirds because I really don't like so much trimmin at one time. So I will have 1/3 of it cropping every three weeks. I just need these girls to hang in there for 5 to 7 weeks then I can get a de-hum after bleaching numerous times.

Any methods for of the long haul these ones would help

The green cure killed the residue on the leaves it turned everyplace that it sat light green, but also turned a bunch of hairs as well set me back an extra week at least


Well-Known Member
yeah, greencure will turn stuff yellow, and irritate the leaves, making them kinda burnt lookin for a couple days.ive always removed all visible foliage with the mold on it too


Active Member
Thanx intensive - there are a few that look like they are watered with a high ph but I know it's the spray they should bounce back soon.

I try to pull the leaves to but with 69 plants in 23' X 9' room that's ridiculous to try. lol



Active Member
KPAC i spray haevy with Neems and 2 hrs min before lights on every 2 weeks until 3 weeks before harvest and burn sulfur every 3rd day inthe middle of lights out for 45 mins cover every thing good until 2 weeks before harvest i alos foliar spray/wash my palnts evey 2 weeks with part b canna 2ml/gallon and 2mlboost/gallon when flowering mix the opposite week of neems.

this powdery mildew is in the plant and will always be there until u get new plants when conditions are right it will come out keep hum, down and neems up the plans will look good dont breath the sulfur buring sulfur is very bad or i would burn all lights out. sulfur dioxide like posion


Active Member

I do have a lot of fans they are under for floor circulation and above for ceiling none really blow my plants around I've been told its not good for them


Active Member
Oh boy heere lol


There is alot of air movement in my room. But maybe I need to redirect airflow I have it crisscrossing in a figure 8 patern.

Theres another box fan in the back under my my plants

I dont show all my fans in my pics cause most people want to see pretty girls - lol

