

Active Member
start feeding anytime after germination, continue feed it til about 4-6 weeks remaining...
Molasses takes about 4-6 weeks to effectively breakdown and be useful the reason it isnt needed all the way through.

oh yeah.. it feeds the enzymes in the soil


Well-Known Member
start feeding anytime after germination, continue feed it til about 4-6 weeks remaining...
Molasses takes about 4-6 weeks to effectively breakdown and be useful the reason it isnt needed all the way through.

oh yeah.. it feeds the enzymes in the soil
Beautiful answer :-D here i though i would click this and c "DUMP 10 GALLONS IN YOUR REZ UBERSSSS NUGSSSSS!!!!!"

Nice to see more and more people with the proper answer to this question +rep

and its on here at least 1500000x


Well-Known Member
I thought if fed symbiotic bacteria, enzymes are proteins that are inside of bacteria and all other cells, so technically you are just feeding a procaryotic organism.


Well-Known Member
I thought if fed symbiotic bacteria, enzymes are proteins that are inside of bacteria and all other cells, so technically you are just feeding a procaryotic organism.
You are correct matt.
It helps the symbiotic fungi's etc that are contained in the plants Rhizosphere. Small traces are absorbed by the plant.

This article may help.

i warn you in advance this is a long article i copied onto RIU , so if you dont like reading dont click,


if you like learning new things it will open your eyes to how big name companies are marketing products to growers based on labority injecting rather than root application. It also talks about CARBS and AMINO acids.

It truly is eye opening.



Well-Known Member
nice article jon, ive actually read that when you posted it way back, just backs up what I learned in botany... Direct Injection of Sucrose has been proven to increase yield by 100%.


Well-Known Member
IMHHO is does nothing but block N
I agree, in larger quantities it can cause a problem with N uptake, what i have noticed is that it drastically alters pH and EC/PPM of your feed/water. When i used molasses in COCO i used it with water only and checked and adjusted pH i would use 1tbsp in 10litres of water.
