Mohican's 2017 Season

sandhill larry

Well-Known Member
I called that plant Hard to Find. It would have done a lot better if I could have found it more taking water to the patches. It didn't look like a regular plant, and you could walk right by it. The limbs were straight, with elbow like bends in them. No curves at all.


Well-Known Member
Garden Tour

Some pics from the garden today.

Blula was chopped for the helper:

Mystery Pipe also chopped:

North garden:

Proto #2 top:

Mystery Peach 1 and 2:

Mystery Peach #2 flowers:

Mystery patch:

Mystery planter (chia):

You got a lot of mysteries growin' there bro! Screen room lookin good


Well-Known Member
I am just working my ass off trying to get out of this hole life put me in. I have been mostly neglecting my garden. Fortunately nature can do a pretty good job on its own.

I have been taking pictures for the last three weeks but have not had time to process them and get them up here. I am working on it today.



Well-Known Member
I am just working my ass off trying to get out of this hole life put me in. I have been mostly neglecting my garden. Fortunately nature can do a pretty good job on its own.

I have been taking pictures for the last three weeks but have not had time to process them and get them up here. I am working on it today.


You ok mo? I know you been hella busy the last long while. I know how it feels. Maybe you'll get some free time to come check out my progress this summer. :-). Wishing you well buddy.


Well-Known Member
Hey SG,
I am fine. Making money and paying bills. Two more months and we will be back to normal.
I have two job offers and two final interviews. When it rains, it pours!
One of the final interviews is for my dream job at a game company.
How are you? Your garden and yard pictures look amazing!


Well-Known Member
OK - Here we go!

Garden Tour - April 8

North Garden

Note the tiny male with yellow leaves. He had a wonderful cinnamon scent so I let him stay.

Proto #2

Trashcan (Blula 1, 2, 3)

Blula #2

Mystery Lemon Tub

Mystery Pipes Stump

Mystery Peach 1

Mystery Peach 2



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Well-Known Member
Garden Tour - April 18

North Garden

Stems - notice how in the same growing conditions some are red and some are not. I don't think it is a magnesium issue.

Proto #2

Proto #3

Proto #4 (sativa not showing sex yet)

Proto #5

Proto male - upon closer inspection (with glasses on) it was not a hermi.

Trashcan - notice how Blula #3 is exploding with growth

Blula Stump

MDP Stump

Mystery Peach #2
