Well-Known Member
I have been growing cannabis for the last 25 years, it's in my blood, it's my passion. Not everybody has the luxury to grow their own, which I think is everybody's god given right. Where are people who can't grow for themselves supposed to find their meds? The black/grey market, where you never know what poisons have been used to protect their crop from pests. I am only providing a service to those people who want to use me. Unfortunately there are costs associated with growing cannabis, and those cost have to be passed on to the patients. You expect me to provide my skills and time for free? If I could I would, but how do I feed my family? What's wrong with me sharing the fruits of my labor with people that can't grow for themselves? I am confidant that I can produce a quality, tested, product for a reasonable price ($5/g). My track record has proven this. Why should I be ostracized for wanting to help. I believe I can make a difference from the inside of the MMPR, setting a standard for others to follow. You guys sit on your high horse ridiculing LP's, but what are you really doing to make changes? Sitting behind your computer all day waiting to pounce on perspective LP's on an Internet forum doesn't count, you should be directing your hate to the people responsible, your government. I'm just an ordinary guy with some skills, that I would like to share with people who are in need. Granted the current LP situation looks pretty bleak, almost comical. But give it some time, there will obviously be kinks and growing pains to be worked out, unlike any new industry. Growing cannabis is an art, and shouldn't be rushed. These are the mistakes being made right now. LP's rushing to get their foot in the door, and pumping out sub par product and quality suffers, and the whole program suffers. Patients it is a virtue. Ultimately you should have the choice to grow your own, or to purchase clean, safe, affordable, quality, medicine.