MMAR Coalition name change


Well-Known Member
If it's incorporated then if by chance with all the shady shit that's been going he gets audited by the gov they can't touch him only the incorporated company will have to claim bankruptcy leaving JW personal finances alone of corse IMO


Well-Known Member
If it's incorporated then if by chance with all the shady shit that's been going he gets audited by the gov they can't touch him only the incorporated company will have to claim bankruptcy leaving JW personal finances alone of corse IMO
That only works if you haven't tried to defraud anyone or did anything illegal business wise while running the company that cause the company to go under or be shut down.

He was probably warned that CRA will come on knocking with all the publicity and him asking people to donate to him first and not Conroy. Any money not sent to Conroy I'd imagine it would be seen as taxable revenue by CRA. If he's on disability that would fuck him up too.

The rumour I heard was the the amount not accounted for is pretty nasty. The people that I know, that know other people, that know other people that all know each other were asking why was the donated amount they listed so small when all of them donated certain amount of money.
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Well-Known Member
They need to be more transparent with those donations. I personally would donate way more if I could see exactly where the money was going and being used for. I don't trust the blind donation thing, perhaps meetings are taking place in Jamaican resorts ;).


Well-Known Member
Hmm odd. Maybe it has something to do with the privacy suit. I'm sure millions will be floating in from that. If they win the court case + the privacy suit Il donate but I'm a little taken by the suggested donation to make via the class action form. I believe it goes something like 30-50-70-100% maybe not exactly but it does start with 30 and ends at 100% donation. I say take all that money and and create a growers "Costco" wouldn't that be something...There's a IPO in the states for a crap ton of big box hydroponic stores going up nationwide.


Well-Known Member
They need to be more transparent with those donations. I personally would donate way more if I could see exactly where the money was going and being used for. I don't trust the blind donation thing, perhaps meetings are taking place in Jamaican resorts ;).

You can donate to Conroy directly no need to donate to middle men.


Well-Known Member
Just check the website. Never paid attention to the bottom of the donation chart.

Coalition Community Account current balance is $18.118.84
Total raised in our Community Account is $103.181.37

So they had $103K total in the community account and now have $18K? Whats a community account? Was this money donated separately for the purpose of running the MMAR Coalition or was it taken from normal donations and re-purposed to run MMAR Coaltion ie parties, flyers, trips, videos and parties?
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Well-Known Member
Just check the website. Never paid attention to the bottom of the donation chart.

Coalition Community Account current balance is $18.118.84
Total raised in our Community Account is $103.181.37

So they had $103K total in the community account and now have $18K? Whats a community account? Was this money donated separately for the purpose of running the MMAR Coalition or was it taken from normal donations and re-purposed to run MMAR Coaltion ie parties, flyers, trips, videos and parties?
community account is for JW to go out on the know to Jamaica etc...haha.
just kidding..i really have no idea


Well-Known Member
Maybe they should call it "the its never gonna be enough, might as well go to jamaica fund!"
I hope im wrong but this is starting to look and smell shitty.
Someone i know thats been a real supporter of this and has donated alot recently told me if he knew then what he knew now he would have never donated a dime.


Well-Known Member
Looks like there trying to make a gig out of this. Instead of just the MMAR they are fighting for everything. I dont know if they are misusing money but they have done alot so far they just need to keep it going. I personally have not donated and i kind of feel bad for it. Il jump in cannareviews raffle thing whatever it is see how that goes :)


Well-Known Member
Looks like there trying to make a gig out of this. Instead of just the MMAR they are fighting for everything. I dont know if they are misusing money but they have done alot so far they just need to keep it going. I personally have not donated and i kind of feel bad for it. Il jump in cannareviews raffle thing whatever it is see how that goes :)

It wont be a raffle per say more like first come first serve but still have a few days to go to collect the items and figure out the donation vs product distribution.