Mites won’t die


New Member
I’ve been battling spider mites for the past 3 months. I have tried diatomaceous earth, neem oil, insectidal soap, drowning the plants, dish soap and water, and lastly hot shot strip. I’ve had the hot shot strip in my grow room for over a week and those suckers are still alive! And it looks like they’ve multiplied:,( idk what to do.


Well-Known Member
AzaMax works would not advise using it past week 3 of flower tho. Also 70% rubbing alcohol with a few drops of dish soap mixed in water 30% RA 70% water at least that is what i did works as well . If you can take them outside and spray every leaf down with a hose do this for 3 days in a row and remember the eggs can hatch up to 2 weeks later and you be all fucked down once again so you need to keep up with treatments.

go go kid

Well-Known Member
any pix? have you got webbed buds?? have you tried preditor mites, thats what i use if theres any sign of mites in my polly tunnels, they attak one tree in my tunnel every year and we use the bags of preditor mites and SD solution works great