Misting buds?

Hair clusters showed up about a week ago and she'll start budding soon I guess. Lately though is appears as though the hairs and a few leaves around them have dried out so I gave her a few mists from a spray bottle and I just wanted to know if this was okay to do?
yeah misting buds is dangerous it promotes mold on the bud
There are no buds yet. Just hair clusters at the tips and leaves. Haven't had any rain for the past month and some of the leaves up top began to curl and turn dry, so I misted them early in the morning. Sun was already out and the water was absorbed and the rest evaporated. It didn't sit on them for more than 1 minute, so I don't think I'm going to get bud rot.


Active Member
stay away from misting your clusters and also dont mist when its real hot because your plants will burn and your clusters will be prone to mold development