Mirrors on the wall


New Member
Hey guys! This is my first post, I just wanted to say that I really think this "community" is cool c:

I'm thinking of starting growing soon, I've watched and read tons and tons of tutorials but I only think that I got 1 question left.

I think that I'm going to order a "High pressure sodium" lamp or three, then i'm going to make them hang vertically just under the tops of the plants when they've reached that stage, and before that I'm going to use a few fluorescent lamps for the seeds/newly hatched plants (sorry I'm not English so my word storage isn't very large) and then switch over to the High pressure sodium lamps when I think they're ready for it.

Most people seem to prefer aluminum foil or mylar to put up on the walls in the "growing room", but what if I'd put loads of mirrors up so that they cover up the whole walls?

Does this sound like a good idea? I got a lot of mirrors in a storage that I got from a friend of mine that works in a company that creates mirrors. (Don't ask me why he gave them to me, long story)

Any tips or toughts would be highly appreciated - thanks!


Well-Known Member
Mirrors are not as effective as flat white or even Mylar for that matter. Light must first penetrate the glass, and then reflect off reflective material(various things from black paint to whatever else), and then have to travel back through the glass....

The glass eliminates any benefit that the mirror's reflection offers.

polo the don

Well-Known Member
Could you please explain why? Just curious :))
Three main reasons. First, mirrors absorb some of the light. Second, the light that is reflected will be focused and create hotspots. Third, as said already, they reflect heat.

Go with Mylar.


Well-Known Member
No mirrors use flat white paint ...is the best return for buck, and tho you are new, HPS light hang ABOVE the plants not under....!


New Member
Thanks for all the answers, will stick with mylar then, and I won't have the lamps that close down, must have been a bad tutorial heh^^.