Mirical grow soil! Please help


Active Member
Alright, a few people told me its really bad to use mirical grow soil when growing your plants, but ive kinda already planted them in it, and they look too good to kill and start over...

First of all, does it really matter?

second, if it does matter, is it too late to replant them in new soil?

and Third, if its not too late to replant them, can i just use plain old dirt from my yard to grow them?

Thanks for all the help :)


Well-Known Member
There is nothing wrong with MG soil. Most growers don't prefer it because it has fertilizer in it, making it difficult to control ferts later when the plant needs them.

Leave the plant in the MG for now. When it is time to transplant up, you can replace it with another mix.


Well-Known Member
Its the chemicals in Miracle Grow canna growers dont like that can make a man sterile!
Allthough I must admit to using it in the past and as you have said healthy, vigorous growth
and some good smoke to imoh.

If your not flowering your plant then if you want change to another good soil. But backyard soil isnt gonna have the necessary nutrients, air retention you need.

Go with a basic (cheap if needs must) multi purpose some have favorites I personally use anything I have to hand (except miracle chemical based , their organic range is pretty tempting this year)


Well-Known Member
good to know I was thinking about going mirical grow just for the nutes it has that release over time. During flower it might not be good, and I can understand that, what if it was mixed with other plain organic soil so the time release wont be as much and maybe only last for the veg stage. Also maybe only put the miricalgro on the op half of the pot? Just some ideas, but if it is a problem I don't want to deal with something that might make me over nute my plants just because of the soil.

Is that a problem with the MG soil, giving to many nutes?


Active Member
i am also using miracle grow soil, and jus wondering if i still need to give my plants other fertz and wen shud i give it to them and how much.


New Member
I'm using miracle grow moisture control with some extra perlite thrown in for good measure. All seems to be good so far and i haven't added any nutes yet. Seems like the easiest thing to do is to wait for the plant to tell you it needs more nutes. Thats my plan anyway.
Good luck


Active Member
spend the money and buy some good soil. its 15 bucks for fox farms. you will he happy you did so.


Well-Known Member
Give them nutrients when they show signs of deficiency. Do not give high-nitrogen veg nutes in the MG soil unless you are certain that all of the chemicals are gone. It will be nearly impossible to tell. The little nute-balls pop when they want to.

As far as flowering, I think your best bet will be organic ferts. See if you can grab a bottle of Fox Farm Big Bloom (NOT Tiger Bloom) and a bag of high-phosphorous bat guano. If you make a little tea out of the guano, you can make a really great bloom nutrient that is soft enough to use with the MG soil. If you take a look at FilthyFletch's soil grows, he has tremendous success with MG soil and guano.

So, try to stay away from chemical ferts to be on the safe side. Otherwise, the "MG is bad" thing gets blown way out of proportion. It is a little bit unpredictable, but shouldn't keep you from growing some grade A dank.



Well-Known Member
im using miracle gro soil and have run into some issues. my leaves became yellow . so i flushed the plants no change . checked the soil and found that the plants were malnourished . so i began fertilizing. at this point i was 3 wks into flower. i fertilized with foxfarm bigbloom witch is low in nitrogen so....the leaves nevr really got their green back but the buts are fat look great and smell delicious . so mg soil is ok just add perlite and fert maybe three times during veg that should help but i didnt have any nutrient burn and thats what people say will happen with mg.

Chemical Ali™

Active Member
Check out my pictures in the newbie central forum, titled advantages disadvantages of 24 hour lighting these plants were grown in MG soil



Well-Known Member
to me it just seems it works well from what I see, just have to watch the nutes. I'm gonna look into the FF soil and see, but my budget is tight.


Well-Known Member
I am as well using miracle grow soil...only a week in veg but so far so good. I was at my local hydro store today asking lots of questions and the guy told me not to use it.....he said it had a lot of horse urine in it and its a great fertilizer but once it is all gone there is nothing you can use to replace it and your plants can lock up....it made sense but I havent heard this before...i guess we will all find out together...ha


Well-Known Member
I am as well using miracle grow soil...only a week in veg but so far so good. I was at my local hydro store today asking lots of questions and the guy told me not to use it.....he said it had a lot of horse urine in it and its a great fertilizer but once it is all gone there is nothing you can use to replace it and your plants can lock up....it made sense but I havent heard this before...i guess we will all find out together...ha
just add nutes no?


Well-Known Member
Well i bought some nutes...flora nova grow to be exact.....but like i said your plants get used to this horse urine or whatever he said and you cant replace this with a off the shelf item once it quits realesing so it causes your plants to lock up.... Like i said i have never heard this before but he seamed familiar with it......so who knows...... its 3am and I am a bit tipsy but my plant is very green and happy and that makes me happy


Active Member
Ah ok, thank you very much every one :)

so i take it there is a chance that my little plant will still do good, but also has a chance to make it sterile, so...my question is...lol, ill be able to smoke this shit when its done right?



Active Member
But other than MG, atm, all i have is plain ol dirt :( and you guys said it wont have the nutes i need, so i guess im stuck using MG untill i can go out and buy something els


Well-Known Member
can't you go to a home depot or are you tight on funds? If you're tight on funds other people here have grown in MG and you could find their grow journals and follow what they do. That should be able to give you a guide line in growing nice and great plants.