MiracleGrow Tomato food for flowering phase?


Well-Known Member
mg tomato plant food is fine. i just used it again yesterday. its been like the 3rd or 4th time this grow i have sued it. thats it. no more. My setup is usually egg shells and urine that is diluted very well. it works. im not gonna have any1 tell me otherwise cus i can clearly see the plant doing well. shes a 2 footer indica but its also outside and shes well taken care of. if u know wat u r doing then u are fine. but in other words, you could burn the plant if you dont. fox farm and advanced are good but if u cant get them, why not use ur own pee full of phosphate and if u eat bananas or loads of potassium that will come out in the pee.


New Member
i just finished a grow with it. its all i had money for. i did find a flower miracle grow. i would think it would be better

mg for my first grow i think it turned out really nice and others said it was really nice also
got any pics of what your grow looked like or how long was your grow and how long did it take to grow.


New Member
Fox Farms is the way to go. I use Ocean Forest Soil and when used properly Fox Farms nutrient regimate cant be beat. Follow the schedule and you will have awesome plants. Be sure to adjust ph after adding nutrients.


Well-Known Member
miracle grow blows..ur ganna have deficiency's with ur plant..and airy buds that will be a disappointment..unless u already smoke crappy bud then i dont know how much of a disappointment it will be to u..but heres a video i got off you tube..this guys grew 3plants that were the same strain grown under the same conditions..one plant he used ADVANCED NUTRIENTS, the other FOXFARMS, and the other Miracle Grow...AN won and miracle grow came in last place http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAYohbq27rU
Not true. Only noobs that don't know how to grow fuck up MG grows. Also, your claim about MG growing "airy" buds is false.


Well-Known Member
Also, on topic, MG tomato food at a rate of 1 1/2 teaspoons per gallon of water (build up from 1/2 teaspoon at first week of flowering) is what I find is best if you are on a budget grow. Works fucking wonders. Get plain soil at home depot or lowes too. roughly $7 for a 2 cubic foot bag


Well-Known Member
You really should be using nutrients that are made for MMJ, not for anything else.

I'm a fan of Advanced Nutrients and their Grow-Micro-Bloom nutes. But there are a lot of other companies with great nutes too.

Lol...there's a sucker born every minute. Marijuana specific nutrients? I laughed out loud when I read that..


Well-Known Member
I love when children try and outfox people on here who have been growing for 30+ years. Its very entertaining