Miracle grow


Well-Known Member
There are many like myself who say MG is shit! One reason is it has time release nutrients in it. I enjoy bumping up nutes as needed, really have to be super careful with MG.
Others like MR Fishy are die hards on that shit.


Well-Known Member
Miriclegrow is chemical filth,the easiest n cheapest way is fish emulsion and some seaweed extract,for under $10 you'll make over 50 galls of ORGANIC fertilizer.FEED THE SOIL NOT THE PLANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I add some mg to my mix about 25% but when i do i also have about 50% more nut burn when i can't be there.
Too add to that when i do work with it i flush every 3week. Outdoor's i never had a problem just don't add
nuts foe about 3 or ,more weeks all on your mix


Well-Known Member
overall... yes, you can grow a plant in miracle grow. just make sure when its flowering you flush it good enough. theres quite a couple of metals and chemicals i wouldnt like in my own. but the plant were talking about will grow great in any bag of soil.. (perlite and vermiculite . or just one of them would help you for sure)


Well-Known Member
Its Like ice cubes in a glass of water, over time they slowly melt and release whatever is inside. SO mg is the same in soil, over time they release nutrients. If one is not careful, adding nutrients may do more harm than good.


Well-Known Member
I use it for growing. If you want to use nutes wait about 1.5 months into the grow then start giving it 1/4 strength for about a month. When it comes down to flowering time you can give it full amounts of other bloom nutes without doing any harm, because the time release capsules should be all gone by then.


Well-Known Member
if oyu gorilla grow and your only source of good dirt is home depot is it ok to use this or anyone ahv a home depot recomended outdoor dirt.