Mineralz' 400w Grow Cranny


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View attachment 2017735Day 19ish of Bloom 004.jpg

  • So here's an update for Day 19ish. The stretch has stopped for the most part I think. She had a little left in her once I removed some shade leaves. She does have alot of leafage mixed in with her bud sites as well....kinda like the Wonder Woman did. Kinda messes with the mind when you just see the one white flower on top, but you can't really see what's below it until you look lulz. Tried to get some shots of her flowers stacking up. She seems to be doing the same basic thing all over and the extra cflz I threw in really seem to help. She stinks more every day since the last rez change o_O I do remember her being extremely frosty with somewhat fluffy buds and she's right on par in that department. I got my Hydrofarm All System Cord today
    Just waiting for my ballast to arrive in a couple days and I'll have a nice project to do on my weekend
    Really excited! No poppage on the PW or the Cheese yet. I should know somethin by next update


    PH--> 6
    PPMZ--> 1000 SHOT OF NUTEZ
    WATER TEMPS--> 68F
    AIR TEMPS--> 67F-77F
    RH--> 20-35%​



Well-Known Member
So I arrived home from work today and found a big box that contained a brand new Lumatek 600w ballast inside :D Needless to say I threw that bish in the tent with the quickness. Super stoked! Doubled my lumen output and temps are holding at 80F. Both the PW and Cheese seeds are showing signs of popping above the rooters. Pics posted soon ;)


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  • The new beans I dropped a few days ago. The PW on the left and the Cheese on the right. This is after 3 days. Look normal to anyone? I remember it being alot easier with rockwool than plugs for some reason. If they dont show leaves by Sunday I'm pretty sure I'm gonna try again, but they do show signs of life I guess. They did both pop above the rooter surface, but they've only shed 1/2 of their seed shell so far. I'm really worried they'll be stunted if they dont pull through in a couple days. I'd rather just pop new beans to be safe, but I'm gonna wait it out another day or 2. I only dropped 1 PW and the Cheese so I have 5 PW left still. A friendly cultivator I know also ordered some beans so I'll have my choice of Blue Widow, Blue Cheese, 1024, and a handful of others to choose from soon I guess. Always helps to know/meet new growers lulz. Can be very beneficial for both parties and we take it to the next level whenever someone needs help with materials/whatnot.

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  • Here's the DK at Day 23 or so of full bloom. Her canopy is still super thick. I'm removing a couple of leaves here and there, but I'm really trying to just spread everything out as best I can. Her sites are stacking up more fiercely now everyday. Her smell and the trichome production is insane! My fingers are so fn sticky just handling her for picture taking it's ridiculous. She's getting that smell that I recognize even now when I smoked her the first time so that's def a plus
    The new 600 I'm still getting used to and I think the tent is as well. Funny thing I can zip up the tent for lights off and it comes back on at 10am. I just woke up and it's been zipped up for 2 hours....temps holding at 79F!? Kinda throwing me for a loop tbh, but ah well I'll figure it out sooner or later. The DK REALLY REALLY knows the difference. I swear after 24 hours of 90K lumens she looked so much different. Every bud sight is swelling with intensity now and the growth seems to be oh so pretty. I could use opinions right about now in consideration to the seedlings and stuff so everyone feel free to tell me how awful I'm doing
    Cheers and happy growing!​



Well-Known Member
Day 23ish of Bloom After rez change 006.jpg

  • So I cut my BL in half tonight :/ On purpose of course lulz. She was reaching up into the lights and I need BL clones anyways so I removed the top 1/3 of her and dipped her in Rootech cloning gel and into a fresh rapid rooter and a splash of ph'd water. I changed out the water in the cloner as well. The 2 DK clones dont appear to be dying, but dont appear to be living either. Just playing the wait game on everything mostly. The BL clone drooped down like 15 mins after I cut her so with any luck she'll perk back up through the night. I double-checked my water levels to make sure it was slightly under the little netpots and I got a new 4" air stone in there as well so there was hella bubbles and misting. The seedlings have cracked away half their shells and are currently working on spreading their cotyledons. Going a little slower than I wanted to, but they are definately growing so I'm all smiles. I hope to wake up tomorrow morning and see 2 new plants. They are firm to the touch and are not dry at all so I'm assuming it's just a slower process. Like I said I've only had to drop seeds a few times as the strains I have now are from clones so I was a little rusty as to the optimal way to do it with rapid rooters. Nywayz, there's the story on that front

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  • Here's fresh shots of the DK. I also made sure to get a shot of the bulb. It's roughly 8-12" above them and I have adequate airflow across the canopy. She show no signs of heat stress or curled tips or spotting/bleaching so I assume my light position is good. I don't have a reflector, but it'll have to work for now. I cant afford to purchase even a cheap one right now, but I think it'll do the trick for me. I finally got a good shot of the stacking I was telling you all about. It's really difficult to see from the top of her, but from the side there's pistils everywhere from where they are stacking up. I hope they fill in nicely and it appears they're off to a good start. Some are a little smaller than others as there's bound to be some popcorn, but not nearly as much as any other round I've had. The crowding is mostly due to the leafage in-between flowers as opposed to fan leaves themselves. Every one of them has frosting all over it so I find it difficult to remove them...so pretty. She was a thirsty bitch! Drank almost 3 gallons of water over the last 48 hours. She must be loving the mix! I don't see any signs of nute burn either so i guess it's working out


    PH--> 5.5
    PPM--> 1000 SHOT OF NUTEZ
    WATER TEMPS--> 62F
    AIR TEMPS--> 75-81F



Well-Known Member
Looks great man.. You've got a nice controlled setup there.. Looks like its starting to pay off big time!
Yea I'm sure it'll treat me right. The DK is our favorite thusfar. Not so much how she grows, but definately the mix of effects you get upon blazing. It's the next run that's gonna make it for me though ;) Another 4 weeks and I'll be alot closer to setting everything up for my vert. I'm shooting for at least 3-4oz off the DK. She wasn't a heavy yielder, but she's definately way bigger this time around not to mention the new increase in lumens. Next couple of weeks will pretty much tell me because the really juicy stuff is comin up soon :D Thanx for swinging by! I'm not sure if you caught the part about me wanting to experiment with soil a bit? If you have any pointers or w/e you should definately throw them my way! Holla holla


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  • On a better note....I have Purple Wreck and Cheese now!!!!! Fucking STOKED!!! My BL clone also perked right back up!! She was saggy as all hell and looked like death yesterday. Today I woke up and she's all nice and recovered! I used Rootech on her as well, which I've had AWFUL luck with btw. Cloning gel for me seems to make things more difficult than they should be. I'm really considering snatching a thing of Clonex instead. Opinions?

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Some peepz on my other thread in the Bubbleponics/DWC section asked me how I rez change using this setup. Without further ado :P

  • 1) Uncover my 3/4" fill hole located on the lid of the bucket
    2) Place small funnel in the hole up top
    3) Place small bucket under my drain valve just in case it drips a bit
    4) I use a 5' section of a hose for a Shop Vac which runs to my drain for my washer
    5) Drain old water from the bucket completely after unplugging my air pump
    6) I always add at least 2 gallons of regular water with the drain OPEN in order to flush out salt buildup and stuff
    7) After flushing with 2 gallons of water I CLOSE my valve and then proceed to fill up my bucket with the new batch of nute water. I have identical buckets so 4.5 gallons in this bucket would be the exact same amount as 4.5 gallons in another so it all works out

    In short, it takes me about 20 mins from drain to fill, BUT these buckets are also pretty much set up for my vert setup as well. This horizontal scrog is basically keeping me busy until I have the means to go full vert. When I finish this run I'll be sure to make another post explaining how those buckets will work as well. Hope I got everything for you guys...if I didnt then just shout at me! Happy growing!​



Well-Known Member

  • So I got the PW and the Cheese transplanted into their own netpots complete with hydroton and a new container. The PW has roots out of the bottom of her rooter already like 4" long and the Cheese shouldn't be far behind. Disassembled the veg box I had because I realized the most it could be used for was clones. There's really no room for much growth at all so I'll have to figure something else out. The bigger DK clone rooted out finally, but I wasted the other one. It was showing no signs of anything and tbh it was taking up space so I ditched it. I broke out the old bubbleponics tote and cleaned it back out. Filled it up with new veg water and threw each plant in their own hole. I added a total of 170w of cfl lighting above them all and they seem to be doing decent. I only have to wait another 4 weeks or so for the DK to finish flowering then I can think of a better way to do it all. If nothing else I wanna keep the Cheese, the PW, and the BL going and grow those out for awhile. Should be a nice variety of highs and they should all grow pretty decent. I plan on doing some night pics tonight or tomorrow....until then​



Well-Known Member

  • So I'm hella bored and figured I'd take a few quick shots. Like I said I was frustrated with the veg box not being big enough and I cant quite figure out how I wanna go about it. I only need a place to veg for the next 4 weeks so i'm really thinking of just doing some ghetto makeshift box around my tote to help with the light reflection and leaving it at that. Either way tho here they are. The top seedling is Cheese and the bottom one with the metal thing in it is the Purple Wreck. The Purple Wreck straight took the phuck off on me. She had a 4" long root on the bottom of her root while she was still in the plastic bowl I germed her in :/ I was like "Oh shit! I gotta plant this bitch quick!" I had no hydroton whatsoever for some reason, but thank goodness for people who also have indoor gardens
    Snagged enough for like 8 netpots or plenty for me to do whatever I like. I like staying lowkeyish so I'm in the process of learning which strains I like best and which ones I could go without. Oh yea!...My DK clone rooted!! I was so excited to see that today. It was pretty well hidden from her pot, but I got them all transplanted into cups and they won't have to be moved again so hopefully she'll take back off on me. The basic idea I have is to eventually have a timeframe down to where I could take clones, and by the time I'm done flowering they'll be just the right size for me to throw them back into the tent and train them to the screen before they get too huge...I have some issues to work out, but I'll get there sooner or later. Ny input would be awesome!​

  • Wasnt planning on taking night pics, but hey...I am glad I did! I can really tell how that HPS fucks with what I'm seeing! Lights are on it looks like a jumbled mess and you cant see much....lights off and I can start seeing how I did in comparison to bud size/number of bud sights. Opinions anyone?​



Well-Known Member

  • Got really bored today so I decided to throw together a bigger veg box. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get a 216w T5 system for vegging. Maybe tax monies and stuff and then it'll be decent, but for now it'll last me for what I need. New box measures 3' wide x 3' high x 2' deep. I have 4 42w cfls in there at 2800 lumens a piece. I know it at least has to be better than sitting out in the open and that's pretty much all I can give em right now. Once the DK is done flowering it'll open up a whole new way of doing things me thinks. The PW and the Cheese are cruising right along. I see new growth on them everyday. The DK clone is kinda stalled still, but I think she'll soon be coming out of it once her roots hit the rez. The BL clone isn't looking so hot tbh. Not really sure. It was perked up decent-like and then it kinda started drooping back down. None of them are losing any color that I can tell at least horribly bad so thats a good thing I guess. The big BL is recovering now and her lower branches are starting to stretch up. All I'm trying to do is get 1 plant of each strain big enough to take multiple clones from it and then flower the damn thing to know what the sex is. Once I know I have all females I can start widdling down which strains I want to have be more dominate in my growing pattern.

      • Here's the DK at Day 32 of Bloom. She's been drinking alot. Up to 1.5 gallons a day I would say so she gets 3-4 days of heavy eating then 2-3 days of basic water until I rez change her out every Sunday. It's been working well and she seems to be enjoying it. I took some day/night pics both. I like being able to see what my efforts are gonna produce for me. My thread convo has been dead lately so with that being said, I may start updating less often. Happy growing all!​



Well-Known Member
Bloom Day 38 001.jpgBloom Day 38 003.jpg

Here's my RP Purple Wreck and my Dinafem Cheese now ;) They're roughly a week old today from seed and doing very well. My DK clone also has a netpot full of roots as well. I still have my big BL, but I plan on cloning her out again very soon to clear out space in my box. In another couple of weeks I can move everything back into the tent again once the DK is done flowering. I will then move each one to their own 5g bucket and start resetting up the tent setup and whatnot. VERY excited to start this new run! I'm not really sure if we're gonna grow the DK again after this round or not.....so just to make us feel better we popped our Dinafem Blue Widow bean yesterday and she's now in a grow block ;)

Bloom Day 38 010.jpgBloom Day 38 011.jpgBloom Day 38 008.jpgBloom Day 38 009.jpg

Heres the DK at day 38 of bloom. She's been a heavy drinker. Canopy is still super thick. Frosting is like glue though and it is everywhere! I'm ready for the next couple of weeks to go by with the quickness!! On another note I must apologize for lack of updates on this thread. I pretty much forgot about it and usually i'm in the DWC/Bubble section as it's more active conversation-wise for me. If anyone wants to please feel free to drop a line on either one ;) Thanks and happy growing!


Active Member
Looking great man... always look forward to the updates.. Can't believe you're only on day 38! those are going be killer.. are you running a 600w now? I can't remember if you had got it yet


Well-Known Member
Looking great man... always look forward to the updates.. Can't believe you're only on day 38! those are going be killer.. are you running a 600w now? I can't remember if you had got it yet
Yea brutha I'm now rockin a 600 ;) Kinda sucks cuz I dont have a reflector to finish this grow, but hey I doubled my lumens and it'll do friggin awesomesauce for next round with the vert. I have more pics on my other thread if you wanna check that out sometime. Time is of the essence and sometimes I dont have enough of it to keep up with 2 threads lulz. It's a lot more active as well


Active Member
Yea brutha I'm now rockin a 600 ;) Kinda sucks cuz I dont have a reflector to finish this grow, but hey I doubled my lumens and it'll do friggin awesomesauce for next round with the vert. I have more pics on my other thread if you wanna check that out sometime. Time is of the essence and sometimes I dont have enough of it to keep up with 2 threads lulz. It's a lot more active as well
I've got some spare reflectors you could have :D A parabolic (China dish) and a batwing..

Nice to see the 600 running nicely in a 3 x 3 ... I'll make the jump eventually I think..


Well-Known Member
Tonight my friend, tonight! Have lots to catch everyone up on :)! Today is day 28, not too far back from you mineralz!
Yea buddy ;) Always a good time at the end of those 8 weeks. I checked out the DK earlier and noticed some orange hairs poppin through. Still have plenty of good white pistil growth up top so I hope they really swell up for me. I also rotated my bulb 180 degrees. The growth in the back is a little heavier and denser than the front. Maybe repositioning the bulb will make a little difference with the slightly small stuff up front. Hard to judge...I cant wait to actually pull the bitch out and snap pics in regular light after I remove all her leafage and take a look at the finished product