MidEast Balcony/Indoor combo track


Well-Known Member
It's dark time, So I spent 10 minutes looking at pictures of my flowers just now on RIU.. I may have mental issues. :)


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Fans + Filter

I've updated and completed my area.

I was not happy with the intake fan noise coming from the fans I received in my used equipment deal from a friend detailed earlier in this post. I did a lot of research looking for not too powerful inline fans that would be super quiet. This was my main goal, to have my intake, exhaust and all mechanics inaudible for both personal as well as stealth purposes. There was too much racket happening too close to the outside. I also had to keep to a tight budget and wanted to cut watts with the big 600 HPS sucking so much juice. Since I was upgrading the intake, I figured I'd install a small filter + exhaust to keep temps down and eliminate strong odors in flower. Something I would eventually have to do.

After all my research I decided on Soler&Paulau's smallest silent fan, the TD160/100s. I bought 2, one for fresh air intake from outside and the other hooked up to the smallest quality carbon filter to match for exhaust. A Can-Lite 150. These are the fans and filter. They've all been ducted and are set at max (180 CFM). I'm very pleased, they are in fact inaudible and pulling enough air for my needs.

td1.jpg | td2.jpg | td3.jpg

If you are a small grower with just a small number of plants but are looking to seriously curtail sound issues, make your area calculations re CFMs you need, and consider something like the TD Line. They are all very quiet and some are very powerful. A lot of people are using crazy CFM on their grow with a lot of overkill creating a lot of noise. You may be able to avoid that if you calculate your CFM needs and match equipment. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
Say a prayer for my 1st clone, she's gonzo.

I was really excited by my 1st clone and my made in china Tupperware verti-dome, alas I tried topping it according to the uncle ben technique and it died. Thankfully the actual top I snipped off seems to be doing well in its tiny mother's place in the verti-dome. So this is a clone of my 1st clone. I'm venturing into Star Wars territory here in these clone wars. (4 days since cut)


I also snipped two tiny branches from my main plant lower stem when I saw it going into transition to flower. These are really small, but I hope they root and make it since my plan is to use these 3 as my next cycle and 2nd go! Hopefully with some experience many of the mistakes I made will be rectified since I was really green in my 1st veg :p They are in the fancier plastic made in china box I got with my equipment which is an 'official' clone dome. I think we can all agree the Verti-Dome is way cooler. (2 days since cut)



Well-Known Member
Wow this is a good feeling. Day 63.

My plans to veg for another week or two in the indoor area have been altered due to circumstance, I set my light at 13 hours and in 2 days some miraculous stuff has gone on, I've got buds! Everywhere :hump:

Cola 1
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Cola 2
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Unbelievable! I feel like I gave birth! There's bud sites starting below too..

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and even on the 2 little side stems/ shoots

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Obviously, I cannot mess around and start screwing things up playing with the hours, it is 12/12 from this point on. I Just transplanted 2 days ago, <- less than ideal.. my plans have been chucked in the trash bin. Oh well, a week ago I was still worrying if I had a male.. Things change, sometimes for the better! :)

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Area update, it's hot in there. 30C+. If I keep the area closed, it hits 34-35C! Wowza. Surprisingly the leafs are not as v-shaped up as they were getting in the sun!? Which is mighty confusing, seems like there's less heat stress despite the sweltering temps? That makes no sense. Guess 200 CFM air I am venting in is helping. Cooltube is running fully closed system, this has helped A LOT. It only raises temps 3C. I'm trying to keep the black plastic open a bit to let the builtup heat escape during day period.

Happy camper.
Great job it's such an awesome feeling when you start to see your girls producing flowers


Well-Known Member
Day 7 - Started the stretch.

Hi, my plant is now in her 7th day of flower and doing pretty well. Starting to stretch and I have raised the light 2 times to accommodate and keep about 6-7 inches from the cooltube. I hope to switch to AD Sensi Bloom PH perfect next week I just don't have any yet so it is still using the base grow components. I won't be doing any additives and the AD base line was the most affordable fairly complete 2 bottle setup I could get. H&G, Botanicare, Hesi, Atami even Hydro-gro are all more expensive here. Not using full strength because 1st with the sun, and now the pretty hot environment it seems to stress my plant some and give some light burn.

Getting pretty large
Now over 3 ft and just shy of 1 meter from the stem base. Seems to have settled in the new pot and began vertical grow again so that is a bit of a relief as I transplanted a day or so before it flowered. I have ceiling room up top for more growth so I encourage her to express herself if she wants :P

IMG_1230.jpg | IMG_1231.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks great Holy, whats the deal with those two lonely lil buds at the bottom?
Hi hbbum, thank you. I don't really know. They are the 1st original leaves/node and grew out like that. Everything else around has died due to nutrient or lack of light I guess. The bigger one is budding nicely and gets decent light sticking out tied like that so I will keep it I guess even though it is far from the canopy. The other one is just sort of there but there's some small bud on top forming, but it's weak. My thought was to leave them as is and monitor if they develop through what seems to me will be a long flowering process due to the strain. I've always thought of them mostly as insurance though, in case my clones fail. Since they are at the bottom they are hormone rich and should root easier in case I need to keep the strain alive due to mass screw ups. There was a third just like it in the front, it was cut as my original clone.

Did you think I should remove them? My plant branched really oddly due to either stress or that odd natural split into two stems. No real substantive other branching happened under that split except for the 2 pom poms and the 3rd which I cut. That's why I was so sure it was a male earlier on. It just never grew much of anything on the main stalk below that split except for some original fan leaves which yellowed and died.

This is them when the plant was a baby..


Well-Known Member
I think they are kind of cool, brings symmetry to your plant :)

If you wanted to they may be good for clones, but the longer you are in flower, the lower your chances of them rooting properly, most people say up to about 2 weeks into flower. Of course you can get clones all they way through, but the sooner the easier(better). I have horrible luck with cuttings though, others are much better at it.


Well-Known Member
I think they are kind of cool, brings symmetry to your plant :)

If you wanted to they may be good for clones.
I guess I'll just watch them develop for now since I have 3 cuts I am trying to root under domes. In any case, 1st branches.. Feels bad cutting them just for the sake of things :)

The Pom Poms
Just before going to sleep..

Pom 1
IMG_1234.JPG | IMG_1236.JPG

Pom 2 <- Fairly useless so far :)


Well-Known Member
Update please!?!
Hi Nova, thanks for commenting. Not much new in last day or so, but here's some shots of some of budding sites just today.

Day 9.

Heat stress on top with some slight burn but nothing too major. Ambient temps outside are topping here in Aug so it's hot. Bud on the top is still smaller, as the stalks are still growing in height and putting out new leaves which are lanky but spaced well for bud growth.


There is however nice stuff coming in all along the 2 stalks in the mid + lower areas, as well as on all the branching from those areas.


Fed this morning with 4.5 liters of water (10% runoff) and 6ml of AD sensi grow A+B. or appx 1/3 dose.


Well-Known Member
Instead of sleeping like I am supposed to be doing, i just spent 3 hrs reading about coco. because I just bought 50 liters of coco/peat mix. Oops, haha happens. Sleep schmeep ;)


Well-Known Member
Day 11

Howdy, a small update on my plant. I killed a gnat today walking around in the soil. Normally that wouldn't be big news in our everyday lives, but I'm making the 'whatchu talking about Willis face' because that makes me very unhappy. I already dealt with bugs during the outdoor veg faze, mostly mites I think, the occasional white fly and a few gnats. I don't want to see this now approaching 2nd week of flower. Especially not after I beat them down so hard. I was like Genghis Kahn on those muthas. So I finger squished the gnat in a soil-ly death, we shall see if it bred.

Adjustments: Plant is now just over 1 meter, about 41 inches from the stem base to top bud. I keep whipping out the ladder daily and raising the light, and now I am looking for about 9.5 inches from the tops. This has helped me deal a bit with heat stress and burning. If you look at these 3 images shot this afternoon just before dark you can see the layer of burnt leaves clearly. Looks like deficiency, it's actually heat stress. This was when I first switched to HPS and I was just getting my feet wet with indoor lighting, so the burns were strong. Nothing stops this plant though, as bad as I am as a newb to her she still loves me again the next morning :)

Heat stress layer:
IMG_1240.jpg | IMG_1243.jpg | IMG_1244.jpg

The top after some heat stress light adjustment:
Still some burn because let's face it, I live in a scorching place but it is much less pronounced. Still learning and always glad to do so!

(Edit, wish I could adjust the typo in the thread title :p oops)


Well-Known Member
Outdoor Hempy? Hmm..

I've been thinking + planning re: my 2nd try. I bought the 50 liters of coco/peat because I am considering an outdoor hempy grow in 10 liter buckets. 1st 4 inches perlite/vermiculite mix, and the rest coco peat. It's very hot here and I am worried straight perlite will be be too watering maintenance intensive. The combo of perlite res and coco/peat top might hold more water and also lessen evaporation. My real goal in all this is to keep plant size large but cut veg in half due to the hempy speedier growing.

Dry guy
As for my current 1st go, I was supposed to water yesterday.. But I am giving one more day to really dry it out because of the gnat, and also the greenhouse seeds video I saw where they intentionally dry out in early flower to spur root growth. Hope I don't mess anything up.


Well-Known Member
Looks good, just keep your eye on the leaves, you will see big drooping when the soil is too dry, but it will pick up quickly with some water. I missed a watering recently and you can see the sad look, 30 minutes after watering everything had perked up.


Well-Known Member
Day 13

IMG_1246.jpg |IMG_1260.JPG

Hi, watered yesterday. Thirsty girl. Time for an update on what's new and some porno shots! 41.5 inches from the stem base. The two tops are now equal in height, nice to see since one has been about 1.5 inches shorter the whole plant's life. Growth I assume will slow now as buds are starting to thicken in.

The Two Towers.

The smallest buds are on the actual tops. I know right!? Don't ask me, I just work here.

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The buds just below the tops along the upper stalks are filling in nicely though..

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Below that closer to the mid level bush is some real juicy thickness, nice to see this. Hope the tops get as juicy!.. :hump:

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This isn't powdered sugar!

Starting to see something new, little bud leaves (cuties) and also some trichs on the leaves :)

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The Larger Pom Pom

Despite being a meter away from the light and just sort of hanging out there, doing well. Nice nug on top and some thick stuff filling in below.

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All in all, doing ok. A little bit of orange showing on a few hairs.. It's too early for that. Looks like I burned them. Oops. She'll forgive me.
Next feed is Wednesday, 1st time getting the bloom nutes. Should be fun for us both!


Active Member
wow man,you should be proud for your plant and for yourself,the tricky part for the first grow is patience and you are playing very nice the game..


Well-Known Member
Appreciate it hbbum.. I don't mean to geek out like that so much but I've never grown anything before, and it's all just really fascinating to watch. This beats TV any day ;)