Micro Grow - Ghetto Box


Well-Known Member
honestly, you cant do too much training after flowering starts. the plant just isnt in that frame of mind anymore, its budding not growing. i would think you could get as much as a 1/4 oz but be prepared for it to be an 1/8 as well

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
probally i little more then a half wet quarter dry

if i was use i would tie that fucker down a shit load to get the most out of it


Well-Known Member
Hey man looks fucken sweet.. I havent seen to many micro cabs.. def doing it justice... yeah next run go 24-7.. youll be able to tie it in a circle around the pot and max bud production will commense... subscribed... check out my grow its in my sig. I would guess and its an educated guess based on environment and stress more than a half zip wet quata dry..


Well-Known Member
thanks a lot for the feedback guys, MUCH appreciated. Ive done lst in the past, and have had better results, but all those plants have had 9 leaves.. this one only has 7 max so far... Indica.

Love that idea on growing it in a circle around the pot, reminds me of the lucky bamboo they sell at green houses.

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
thats what lipples did he had excellent sucess he got it the curl around the pot with one huge cola on his grow journal


New Member
Nice, hey I was wondering if you had a complete growjournal from one of your other grows in this box? I would love to see what your finished product was.


Well-Known Member
well the only other one on here I had to cut short because i had trouble with my ex gf and people in the neighborhood... 2 dicks interrogated me... long story...


New Member
Damn! Cuz you cant or you just dont have any bud? If I dont smoke for one day i cant go to sleep for soooooo long and I get all moody and shit


Well-Known Member
well its xmas time and im not getting a whole lot of business in the tattooing world so im strapped for cash right now.. i have bud, but im hesitant to smoke it... reg gives me head aches.