MG veg and flower


Active Member
I know thus is not organic, buy I figure who would know the answer to this other than the smart people who make their own some one please help.

I'm using miracle grow veg and flower soil
0.15 - 0.05 - 0.10.

I've noticed a bit of brown tips, assuming its nutes since I'm in MG..

my soil says it can feed UP TO 3 months.

since I've notices these marks, I was wondering would it be bad to mix my MG with sand?

I feel like it would, but I feel as thigh it would cut the amount of nutes down immensely. can you think of any a reason as to why it would b beneficial or harmful? I would GREATLY appreciate it.


Active Member
MG usually uses slow release ferts. It's just hot because it's new, it should cool down eventually + your plants appetite will increase

imo, don't use sand. It will make your soil very tight. instead, get some coco or peat moss, and /or some perlite to fluff and thin out your mix

just my 2 cents


Sand, no. If you were going to put any kind of sand in soil at all it would have to be the right kind of sand; not play sand. Regardless though it wouldn't really help your issue. You would have wanted to increase the volume of the mix without adding anymore nutrients by adding something like plain sphagnum peat moss to it, or coco coir; or better yet buying a quality mix.

The problem with this MG "Lasts for three months" stuff that I can imagine is that the fertilizer is of the type which has been coated or encapsulated artificially to be time-released like this; so the old typical stand-by "flush the hell out of it" probably isn't going to help much and might just make it worse.

Honestly I would recommend scrapping and starting over with a better mix; or depending on how big the plant is, how long it has been exposed to the MG, etc. salvage by removing as much of the MG soil from the root ball as possible without totally screwing it up- then transplant into a better mix.


Active Member
The Miracle grow actually isnt to awful as its annalysis is only 0.15 - 0.05 - 0.10.

The issue I believe, is that I have it in a 3 gallon pot with no mixture. so its 3 gallons of fertilized soil.

If I can cut it with something, the nute burn should go away as the plant is well into veg and can handle nutes now.

But thank you for deffering sand I appreciate the opinions.