

hey so whats your favortive metal band. The bands i really enjoy listening to pantera, slayer, megadeth, lamb of god, and in flames. LOVE MELODIC METAL


Well-Known Member
melodic: samael let it rain off of passage

death: deicide sacrificial suicide, live first show ever in seattle, pa like an earthquake

lamest metal: marduk, singer kept getting his hair caught on the lights above the stage, ha make up and long hair=glam rock if your in black leather or tights

biggest dissapointment: die die my darling by the misfits american idol audition being listed as METALLICA ON AMERICAN IDOL.


New Member
I love my metal. I love female fronted symphonic and gothic metal the most. Those girls can sing

So easily hands down my vote is Nightwish. With their old singer of course

Beautiful music to me ears


Active Member
Death metal all the way, but I like doom/death and some times melodeath, and barely some cool black metal shit.


Well-Known Member
Children of Bodom,In Flames,Amon Amarth,Archenemy,Killswitch Engage,Yea some good metal there,Im with Kaable on this one Melodic DM is where its at for me.