Metal halide question


Well-Known Member
They are under floro strips right now, and they have little nat like bugs, mostly hanging out in the soil. Anyone have any make at home remedies for bugs (of coarse only organic).


Well-Known Member
They are under floro strips right now, and they have little nat like bugs, mostly hanging out in the soil. Anyone have any make at home remedies for bugs (of coarse only organic).
Collect some cigarette butts. You are after the tobacco. The more the better. Boil the tobacco in some water. You are after the nasty asss tobacco juice.

Pour it on the soil as a drench. It will fuck up everything with an insect heartbeat and send the mother fuggers to see god.

The tobacco kills everything and the plants love it.

And some people smoke this shit ? :blsmoke: :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I am dead serious. The nicotine and whatever else is in cigarettes kills bugs.

Your plants will be fine.
a nicotine"-tea" spray for sure kills of most bugs and won't harm any plant on earth since nicotine is a neurotoxin substance, one of the strongest know by the way:roll:, since plants don't have a neuronal sys as animals and bug do, it won't affect them at all.:) but be careful around the colas or you will have to was the nicotine off later on.:spew:

fat sam

Well-Known Member
sounds like you have fungus knats, they look like little fruit flys cruising around, i put diatocious??? earth on the top of the soil, they live in the dirt and their larve eat the roots, try the tobacco spray it should work


Nicotine is good for the queen so to speak. I use it religiously if needed; the only other solution I have great luck with is bleach and water, 2 table spoons per gallon; I spray it all over everything, let it sit for 30 minutes then rinse it off thoroughly. Like magic, presto, the little critters are gone... forever.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
They are under floro strips right now, and they have little nat like bugs, mostly hanging out in the soil. Anyone have any make at home remedies for bugs (of coarse only organic).
they're probably fungus gnats, and they usually mean you could be watering a little less often.

A fly strip works

I've never used nicotine solution for bugs, but if I ever have a problem... I'll keep that in mind.


Well-Known Member
Nicotine is good for the queen so to speak. I use it religiously if needed; the only other solution I have great luck with is bleach and water, 2 table spoons per gallon; I spray it all over everything, let it sit for 30 minutes then rinse it off thoroughly. Like magic, presto, the little critters are gone... forever.
Don't spray the plant or soil with the bleach solution obviously, just everything else.