Messianic Words, No?


Active Member

“A Vision:

A world that embraces itself. A civilization that is One with their land. I see the main talk of the day would not be about terrorism, wars, pollution, bombings, or tyrants; but the main discussions will be about music, festivals, and crops. Speaking of crops, we will begin this truth.

Mankind will have much more time away from work. At least the work that they’ve been led to believe was true work. But true work is working simply for the self-sustainable beneficial existence as a One Organism; The Planet Earth. Vegetables, grains, nuts, fruits, roots, herbs shall be the main appetite of Our race; The Human Race.

There shall be the decisions to feed upon the animals of Earth, which will be far differently compared to current standards. Slain respectfully, thankfully, and appreciatively with utmost courtesy and honor.

Trading of products, harvests, and services will make up the economy.
Truly humble, yet simply complex. This will show the noble complexity of pure simplicity.

Human existence can be boiled down to how they treat Their Planet. The healthy and thriving Earth shall be the greatest achievement of The Human Race. Above all wars, all politicians, all money, power, and greed. Above all the distractions and illusions. Truth shall be seen by all People. It is everywhere, always, everything, forever.

Hemp will become the most important crop of the world. Being because of all the products and materials that can be withdrawn from this single species. Which is seen as preferable than over farming the Earth with the cancerous consumption of natural resources.

Marijuana shall be another plant thriving on Planet Earth. As medicine for man. A medicine and a love.

Imagine a world of no starvation nor warfare. A world where Africa is amongst the most thriving continent in The World. A happiness that will spread through the very fibre of Our Existence. The Age of Enlightenment, Peace, and Abundance. The Ripeness of Our Species.

Peace must first come from great destruction. For only on the precipice do we change. Many will have to die as the Earth cleanses itself. Only a few shall remain. Which shall be seen as a great honor for the responsibility of the future towards a true and loving existence. “ – Unknown Author.


Well-Known Member
That was pretty interesting. I liked everything except the very last bit. What a wonderful existence that would be.

But I was also thinking about the manufacturing of products via hemp. Pollution would occur to manufacture all the products this world would require, how do you handle that problem?

Not to mention the huge issue of essentially making people understand the true nature of money, and what it does to people. That in itself is probably an impossible task.

The whole world would probably take at least a few centuries, but a country could be done in a lifetime I think.