messed up on hard candy


Well-Known Member
So, I was trying to make a batch of hard candy edibles. First i made a tincture and that went well (i used the hot method). Then proceeded to try and make hard candy, but when i let it try to harden it ended up more like a really heavy thick ass syrup. I don't think i can reheat it up since i already added the tincture to it.

I am going to be on a long ass train ride later next week (24hrs...fuck). I thought hard candy would be cool and easy way to get meds without having to smoke or be too obvious with the classic brownie/cookie edibles. Reason why i messed up was i didn't have a candy thermometer.

Is there anything i can do with this or am i stuck with what i got?


Well-Known Member
did you have a candy thermometer?

From what I recall about candy making it has to get and stay at like 350 for xxx amount of time or it goes south..

How gooey is it?

I am betting it would taste pretty damn good in a hot cup of coffee!

eta.. I messed up some chocolate once.. it was a HUGE amount of MMJ in the mix.. I could not part with it.. so I froze it.. about a month later I ended up getting some capsules and packing it in there.. it was horrid tasting but worked..


Well-Known Member
yea, no candy thermometer.
pretty damn gooey.
It actually taste very good by itself, Instead of corn syrup i used pure maple syrup & instead of cane sugar i substituted brown sugar.
Yea, might just have to go grab a candy thermometer & start a new batch if it comes down to it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah.. been there we all mess up once in awhile but.. under the right circumstance and mind.. people here can save the recipe or push ya on a new direction..


Try heating it back up.. put in pan on med-mh temp stir for about 12-15 min. The temp you need is about
Hard Ball - 250 degrees F. - This ball will hold its shape when pressed. Taffy.
Soft Crack - 270 degrees F. - Separates into bendable threads. Toffee and Butterscotch. Hard Crack - 300 degrees F. - Becomes brittle. Peanut Brittle.
I do 250 for medcarmels..if you dont have therm. keep testing on cold plate till it cools hard or the consistancy you want. Just heat it slow and DONT stop stiring.