Messed up mother and screwed up cloning procedure

Hi All. I have a few issues. Here's the situation:

1> I had a few mother plants and watered it once every 3-4 days. Once I didn't water it for 7 days and it started wilting but I watered it right away and brought it back to life. I made clones from these a few days later. Will the clones be less potent?

2> Above situation but I watered the mother plant with water every now and then because I ran out of nutes. Will the integrity be ruined?

3> I have these clones in small cubes and I didn't transplant them for about 6 weeks. I also ran out of nutes so at one point after 3 weeks I watered them with regular water. Now, some of them have retarded leaves. It looks anorexic. Imagine a 1 blade leaf where the middle of the blade has one vein and thin as a string. Think hourglass. That's only one retarded leaf out of many. It's 2 weeks after transplanting and back to normal cycle. Should I trash these?

Basically, I've abused my mother plants. Will the integrity be ruined?


Active Member
1. No its fine.
2. No its fine. as long as you get it some nutes when needed.
3. You may want to trash them. Depends on if they are like that from nutrient lack or if it was the stress from being cloned.
Hope that covers it for you ;)


Active Member
2> Above situation but I watered the mother plant with water every now and then because I ran out of nutes. Will the integrity be ruined?

Basically, I've abused my mother plants. Will the integrity be ruined?
sometimes it's even better to let your mothers get a little nutrient starved, it makes the cuttings root faster fighting for nutrition.