

New Member
Did you guys hear about the megaupload guy dotcom, He was a german citizen living in New Zealand and the FBI (yes FBI of america) arrested him on claims of copyright for his site megaupload that lets people upload files.

They took all of his stuff also.



Well-Known Member
Did you guys hear about the megaupload guy dotcom, He was a dutch citizen living in New Zealand and the FBI (yes FBI of america) arrested him on claims of copyright for his site megaupload that lets people upload files.

They took all of his stuff also.
Yeap...gotta love the MPAA/RIAA pushing their weight around to get the govt to do their bidding...but whats funny is that alot of the artists don't give a fuck...they are already rich lol :D


Well-Known Member
He was spreading copyrighted material.....against the law

stars and artist backed him up but also alot were seuing the shit outta him too


New Member
Not really, he just sold bandwidth , his customers were pirating he claims he tryed to stop it. Idk I never used it.


Well-Known Member
Supposedly there were many internal emails at megaupload telling employees about content that was on there for them to download...not remove it...even though they did comply with copyright complaints kinda sorta...they put a cap of 5000/day on companies...but when there were 10,000/day severely upset the MPAA/RIAA :D


Well-Known Member
He provided the platform to do so though

its like when ya with a friend you know hes stealing but you dont and your with him your still just as responsible you get charged too
not really, he just sold bandwidth , his customers were pirating he claims he tryed to stop it. Idk i never used it.


Well-Known Member
And same with murder you go with your buddy to rob a store no intention to shot anybody your boy goes crazy shots and kills people your getting the murder charge too

Blaze Master

Well-Known Member
And same with murder you go with your buddy to rob a store no intention to shot anybody your boy goes crazy shots and kills people your getting the murder charge too
only in america can you get charged with a crime you did not commit. what a country


Well-Known Member
Id hope to fuck that if some guys bust down your door while your in your home with your family and 1 of them shots and kills a loved one of yours youd want them all charged with the crime how the fuck arent they responsible for it ???????????????
only in america can you get charged with a crime you did not commit. What a country


Well-Known Member
And its not my country but alot of countrys do this but hey mabe youd rather sharia law where you dont get a fair trail and get your tongue cut out for speaking your mind or being stoned to death because you dont want to marry the man your father is telling you too wana start with unfair laws american is deff not the steping stone in doing so

only in america can you get charged with a crime you did not commit. What a country


New Member
what a shitty way to pirate software, amatuers, you can download anything for free off youtube or any site really you don't need to use some kind of service.

Blaze Master

Well-Known Member
Id hope to fuck that if some guys bust down your door while your in your home with your family and 1 of them shots and kills a loved one of yours youd want them all charged with the crime how the fuck arent they responsible for it ???????????????
how is someone responsible for another persons actions


Well-Known Member
Its deff unfair no doubt about that they are going after him cause you know it will get the biggest news
what a shitty way to pirate software, amatuers, you can download anything for free off youtube or any site really you don't need to use some kind of service.


Active Member
i will never understand why us here is the US feel we can push our laws and rules on everyone in the world weather they are an American citizen or not.

I am truly appalled at the National Defense Act that is currently in its bill form at DC. its purpose is to disband the bill of rights for American Citizens (thats right look it up, no more guarantee of trial or even to be told your crime) and assert that we do not observe those rights in any other nation either.

next are we going to post US cops on the autobahn and start handing out tickets to German citizens?

American Laws "SHOULD" only apply with in American Borders. We have not been elected to rule the world yet... and the way we are heading we are loosing the support of the majority of the world. We are no longer a beacon of freedom in the dark. we are turning into the sludge that is stagnating the future.


Well-Known Member
Okay imma try this once more with you in a different more simple way

okay you grow weed you distribute that weed to your dealers they go and sell it for you and you are making a profit off of it and suddenly a bunch of people have a severe reaction to your pot and die because these certain people were allergic to something in it the do you feel the guys who distribute it to them from you are responsible ....................or are you alone responsible..................... Or all of you are responsible ?
how is someone responsible for another persons actions


Well-Known Member
In reality this is a publicity stunt for the US gov tho shove down our throat, this will not even slow down internet file sharing.

It just amazes me that another SOVEREIGN country will bow before the great USA. DO it or we will stop sending you doritos. We do still make doritos, right?
wasnt sure we dont seem to make anything else.

I never Dl'd anything that I planed on buying anyways. As soon as 3d printers are up to it, i plan on dl'ing me a Ferrari.


Well-Known Member
Okay imma try this once more with you in a different more simple way

okay you grow weed you distribute that weed to your dealers they go and sell it for you and you are making a profit off of it and suddenly a bunch of people have a severe reaction to your pot and die because these certain people were allergic to something in it the do you feel the guys who distribute it to them from you are responsible ....................or are you alone responsible..................... Or all of you are responsible ?
You are all guilty because dealing weed is illegal..... Duh....

Blaze Master

Well-Known Member
Okay imma try this once more with you in a different more simple way

okay you grow weed you distribute that weed to your dealers they go and sell it for you and you are making a profit off of it and suddenly a bunch of people have a severe reaction to your pot and die because these certain people were allergic to something in it the do you feel the guys who distribute it to them from you are responsible ....................or are you alone responsible..................... Or all of you are responsible ?
that makes no sense. how could people die from smoking weed


Active Member
Okay imma try this once more with you in a different more simple way

okay you grow weed you distribute that weed to your dealers they go and sell it for you and you are making a profit off of it and suddenly a bunch of people have a severe reaction to your pot and die because these certain people were allergic to something in it the do you feel the guys who distribute it to them from you are responsible ....................or are you alone responsible..................... Or all of you are responsible ?
actually you left a few parts out that are necessary make that a reasonable analogy.

it should also be stated that the weed itself was not dangerous but the way ppl chose to consume it was. the weed was only illegal in a far distant land. you did not sell the weed you gave it away but allowed ppl to pay for immediate uninterrupted access to it. the ppl did not actually die, it actually only ever hurt ppl who were in great physical condition, and even then only caused a mild head ache for them.

now with that added i think your statement would be a reasonable comparison.