Mega Noob, who knows whats causeing it


Well-Known Member
Basically i woke up this morning to find what i believe to be root rot, My ph these last 3 days keeps rising! like a whole 1.0 up over night, major pain, i put h202 in there with a 3% that has no stabalizer, add about 125ml a day to 5-6 gallons cause i read it degrades after about 3 days, my ph is always going up,
my ppm also rises about 5 ppm a day, at 80 ppm now ( they have had one feeding of a gallon at 100 ppms. ) basically wtf do i do now haha

so ya basically the first root/plant picture is the main plant in question

help kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
brown slime algae....... an extremely aggressive algae.
very hard to kill. you need some food-grade hydrogen peroxide(30% or higher) to add to the rez...
however i would advise just letting the plants die, then taking alot of time to sterilize your entire op, inside, and out, with a very strong bleachwater solution.