Medical MJ cultivation anxiety?Legal?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if any 1 else shares mass anxiety while still under the vail of there state medical programs, while growing. I always have mental stresss going on it seems like in this regard. I dont ever know if it will catch up in a negitive way. Does any1 else feel this way, im sure its just instinct and my sanity, not insanity.:mrgreen:


Active Member
No responses? dang mang. Ill chime in Tilemaster bro!
I felt a HUGE amount of anxiety because my landlord does a yearly inspection, and I recently started a veg and flowering chamber indoors.. Its all legal, and medical.. But i still was very anxious.. Long story short I came home a fews weeks ago, Friday night about to blaze and halfway through flower (check my sig) and there was a note on my door. Sure enough. Inspection notice. So I printed out all the laws and went to meet with the landlord. They were super cool with it after I explained my medical patient condition.
Now if your in a home you own.. And your still anxious, either get a dog for long nights, install cameras for days away or whatever else can calm your woes about your crop. Personally I don't feel like you have anything to worry about.

My best,
stay lifted


Well-Known Member
ya bro its just noisy neibors and fed that bother me.. and maybe if my #'s were out of wack for a sec or something like that i noid out. ya i feel u, landlord shit suks even if there cool with it, i just see it as ur meds should be an issue of privacy, just doesnt pan out like that with the juicyest gossip topic.... but yeah cameras that i could see from a cell web app would be nice. . . .