Medical Marijuana + Denver Police Department Job


I recently have been diagnosed with IBS and obtained my MM card in Denver CO. I have decided to pursue a career in law enforcement and plan on trying of to be a Denver Police Officer come next spring when enrollment begins again.

In their qualifications it states that Medical Marijuana will not disqualify you from becoming an officer.

Is this actually true? If it's not then I will have to give up what makes me feel better immediately and try to find something else that works. :confused:

From the DPD qualifications guide:

SOFT DRUG USE: Individuals who have illegally used soft drugs at least one time within the thirty-six
(36) months prior to the date of application, and up to and including date of appointment will be

Definition: Marijuana, the use of which would be classified as a petty offense or misdemeanor under CRS §
18-18-406; and any Schedule III, IV or V controlled substance, as defined by and listed in CRS § 18-18-205,
206, and 207, respectively, the use of which would be classified as a misdemeanor under CRS § 18-18-404;
except when the drug or substance is used pursuant to being dispensed by or under the direction of a person
licensed or authorized by law to prescribe, administer, or dispense such drug or substance for bona fide
medical needs.


I recently have been diagnosed with IBS and obtained my MM card in Denver CO. I have decided to pursue a career in law enforcement and plan on trying of to be a Denver Police Officer come next spring when enrollment begins again.

In their qualifications it states that Medical Marijuana will not disqualify you from becoming an officer.

Is this actually true? If it's not then I will have to give up what makes me feel better immediately and try to find something else that works. :confused:

From the DPD qualifications guide:

SOFT DRUG USE: Individuals who have illegally used soft drugs at least one time within the thirty-six
(36) months prior to the date of application, and up to and including date of appointment will be

Definition: Marijuana, the use of which would be classified as a petty offense or misdemeanor under CRS §
18-18-406; and any Schedule III, IV or V controlled substance, as defined by and listed in CRS § 18-18-205,
206, and 207, respectively, the use of which would be classified as a misdemeanor under CRS § 18-18-404;
except when the drug or substance is used pursuant to being dispensed by or under the direction of a person
licensed or authorized by law to prescribe, administer, or dispense such drug or substance for bona fide
medical needs.

Welp, just got turned down for yet another job because of the use of medical marijuana for legitimate purposes. Because of this and my great ambition for a future in law enforcement I have been forced to stop using the medical marijuana. Some day the government will require employers not to be biased based on medical marijuana use, until then let there be intestinal pain! :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:


Active Member
Welp, just got turned down for yet another job because of the use of medical marijuana for legitimate purposes. Because of this and my great ambition for a future in law enforcement I have been forced to stop using the medical marijuana. Some day the government will require employers not to be biased based on medical marijuana use, until then let there be intestinal pain! :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
As far as I know, CO has a lot more strict rules on what constitutes the right to acquire a MMJ card and IBS was definitely not on the list last time i checked. They aren't even given out for most chronic pain claims and certainly not for psychological disorders. None of this do i agree with but you got a MMJ card in Denver for Irritable Bowel Syndrome? They must be lowering standards around here which makes even less sense. In the last year alone COs MMJ application process cleared like 300% more patients than all of the previous years combined since the law was instated and most of the referrals were by the same handful of doctors which is now causing them to be investigated while lawmakers take a closer look at what constitutes the right to use MMJ since the claims of chronic pain are WAY over what they should be for the general age range and group of people requesting cards. Also, the last thing I do when my IBS is acting up is smoke pot. If there is anything that makes my intestines twist and knot up while i purge my bowels 7-8 times in a very short period of time worse, its smoking weed. Weed helps with a lot of things and some kinds help some things more than others but never have I found any relief from marijuana in regards to my IBS. My wife feels the same way. It just seems to make my IBS go from bad to worse before i exhale. Pepto on the other hand....magic!