Maxtors monster attempt


Well-Known Member
Yo to all again this year.

Last year was a battle against the potheads guru FDD2BLK.

So far this is what has been done... a shitload of 3 different soils has been added, and the same goes for the weedseeds amount. This year I went for some earlyflowering outdoor seeds mostly indica genetics.

My idea is to grow large quantities of plants to harvest most possible in an area of 8m2, and later wipe out the ones that cant follow. The reminans then will be the strongest ones according to C. Darwin.

(not sleeping yet?)

Beating FDD will not be easy but my confidence purely rely on to squeese more budweight "all in all" out of those m2 than FDD can do using the same area, and his growth method.

Hope this year will bring much more politeness to the thread than last year.

And to all of FDD´s faithful musketeers, pls. give FDD a lot of comfort and love becuz in the end of the year he will need it :-)




Well-Known Member
oh no he didn't

I don't know what you're talking about. Can you link to a thread?

Purdy looking plants though. I don't know about all this competition stuff but I know you're gonna have a heavy harvest.