Mature or not?

I'm having problem deciding the level of maturity. Here are the known factors:

1. Location is central Florida.

2. Soil was a mid grade planting/compost mix.

3. Well water/hard water.

4. Plant is bad seed. Resembled a sativa in shape and leaf structure.

5. Used some Miracle Grow during vegetative. Switched to Fox Farm products a week before June 21. Followed soil feeding chart. Added some high P fert ¼ to ½ /ga. as well as K from Muraite of Potash ¼ /ga.

6. I generally watered the plant every 3 to 4 days depending amount of rain and dryness of soil. I always pre-watered thorough before adding fert.

7. Temp is usually 90-95 day/75-80 nights.

8. I have also been adding Epson Salt 1tsp/ga to all plants due to hard water and when I notice what looked like nutrient lock out on one plant, but not the one in question.

9. Trichomes appear to be clear to opaque, but my eyepiece is low magnification.

I have 6 other that are flowering, but do not look even close to the maturity of this plant. Aug 16 seems very early for this level of maturity.

The pics are of the plant in question.

Any and all thought will be highly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
got a long way 2 go id say and stop adding epsome salt too much mag locks out calcium and vice versa well water is good rain water is better


Active Member
You have a while to go and that plant definitely looks like a sativa.Sativas can go anywhere from 10-16 weeks of flowering.Check again with your eyepiece the trichomes when with your naked eye half trich's are red.