Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club


Well-Known Member
Is that your proof? A few cop cars and some sound effects? Hundreds of witnesses and that's the best you got? lol

You do understand what a "false flag" is, don't you?

Yeah, you certainly proved your stupidity on this one.
you should go back to nihilism. because retarded conspiracy theories are not really your thing.


Well-Known Member
Not a single picture. lol
they've already started releasing the names of the dead. contact their families and tell them it was all fake.

not that it matters, because we are all gonna die anyway. sweet, sweet nihilism. oh yeah.


Well-Known Member
Got to give Obama 1/2 credit today.

He admitted that the night club shooting was an act of terror clearly and concisely. He only gets 1/2 point for saying the motives were not understood.

We already know the offender called 911 and informed them of his allegience to ISIS prior to the attack. We know what the motives were even if he doesnt.

That`s poor logic.

Anyone who wants a US advance on ISIS can do that and ISIS will jump at a chance to have that claim.

When moving an Army or Strike force, You need more hard facts.


Well-Known Member
This is all becoming terribly disrespectful to the recently murdered and their families....maaannnnn....


Well-Known Member
they've already started releasing the names of the dead. contact their families and tell them it was all fake.

not that it matters, because we are all gonna die anyway. sweet, sweet nihilism. oh yeah.

Well that proves everything. lol

Fools have 300 profile pics on their FB page but no one can come up with a single picture of the inside of the club? Yeah, I'm convinced.


Well-Known Member
was their a drill in Orlando also concurrently occurring. Betcha $5 something was. They were doing it at china lake again this morning too...blah blah blah back to your twitter, slaves.


Well-Known Member
It's a sad day when a room full of likely good people get shot for being themselves in a place of acceptance. I wonder if there are any donations to help with the costs, man that sounds so morbid to say.

To those spouting political rhetoric:
The media sells it and you live the role! It's crazy to see other cannabis enthusiasts support a political party. Of all people on earth that should know that there is no such thing as a political party it should be you guys. Even if a politician starts out with pure intentions they will be corrupted or unsuccessful. You are just a puppet on a string wasting your precious life energy to fatten some criminals bank account.


Well-Known Member