

Well-Known Member
DUDe your right
Everyone will be like i got some HEADIES MANN and it will be brown with seeds all in it.
haha yeah, i been smokin close to 15 years and a lot of younger dudes that i see are like it's headies and its 50$ 1/8. i am thinking looks like mersh or shwag to me lol.:-|


New Member
haha yeah, i been smokin close to 15 years and a lot of younger dudes that i see are like it's headies and its 50$ 1/8. i am thinking looks like mersh or shwag to me lol.:-|
Yeah I had these black kids at my school onetime that bought middies and put blueberry drops on some and strawberry drops on some and sold it as blueberry bud and strawberry cough...
its just mainly all the young dudes tryin to deal and think they know what their talkin about..alot of poser because ''dealing'' is the cool thing to do now days i guess because they hear lil wayne and jeezy rapping about it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I had these black kids at my school onetime that bought middies and put blueberry drops on some and strawberry drops on some and sold it as blueberry bud and strawberry cough...
its just mainly all the young dudes tryin to deal and think they know what their talkin about..alot of poser because ''dealing'' is the cool thing to do now days i guess because they hear lil wayne and jeezy rapping about it.
haha i have seen those drops in high times while i was on the pooper.


Well-Known Member
I had some really awful tasting stuff (and I mean really bad) so I bought some of those tasty puffs things to try. Ugggh... it was even worse, it was like inhaling strawberry, not tasting it. Blech!!

How does someone get to be a Medicinal marijuana patient in Maryland, or a card/prescription etc?
It'd be cool if they had those dispensers like in California, so you could just drive up and get a 1/4 of some good shit, but I bet it's expensive as shit!


Well-Known Member
am i the only one from the city?

I normally pay $150/oz and split it with my friend...neither of us smoke that much so it last us 2-3months...its decent shit, not great, has a bunch of seeds


Well-Known Member
Perhaps I'm just getting ripped but I get really good bud, such as AK47 or White Widow (depends on what hes got), for about $400-450/oz. That includes home delivery, nearly 24/7 availability (Exceptions being late friday/saturday and certain holidays), and the security of knowing I won't get ripped/arrested. This sort of thing is only common around universities though. ;)


Well-Known Member
I have some friends from Montgomery Village, Montgomery County Maryland. When I went down there we were paying $5 for a gram of mids. It wasn't to hard to find heads but it was in "the hood" so no one had any money to spend besides the $5 haha

Dan Nabis

Well-Known Member
I used to live in Maryland. Olney, Gaithersburg, Derwood, all over Montgomery County. Those county cops are the biggest dickheads I've ever met in the U.S.. I always thought of that place as being quite a bit fascist.

I went to Magruder high school for a year around 81-82 and we had a smoking section outside for students. I look back on that and think how fugged up that is to allow 9th graders to smoke at school, lol.

I really miss the crabs. That was one great thing about Maryland, that and fishing up in the Harper's Ferry area. I take my family to Maryland on vacation about once a year to see family and friends. I leave tomorrow for this year's trip. Can't wait to buy and eat a bushel of steamed, spiced crabs, mmmmmmm.


YO, silver spring resident up in here! I'm looking for other......gardeners.......nearby so we can maybe work together, but I think I've got my shit figured out now..... anyone know anyone from silver spring or wheaton who grows?


Harford County here, newbie as well in the middle of my first decent indoor grow with cfls, thinking on doing an outdoor grow in may.