Marijuana Wine..... a new idea thinking outside the paradigm..... think it will work?

Do you think this is a good idea?

I was looking at how to efficiently make MJ wine. Most of the recipes calls for like 3-4 ounces of bud to make only 1 or 2 gallons of wine. So if botched - what a waste!

And when making wine, a fellow home winemaker like myself is accustomed to a standard batch being 23 L, which is 30 bottles. So to make the standard marijuana wine recipe and quadruple that - would be like 16 ounces to get a desired potency - and if I botched that, it would be a small investment lost! Would be risky as the stock market now :P hehehehe

So that got me thinking. I haven't done cooking before, but I heard that a quite effective method is making a tincture. If I make it in with a 26 oz (750mL) bottle of Everclear, I heard the doses are effectively around 1-2 mL to get you high. Can anyone confirm?

So, what I could do then - is when I am bottling my wine, just have an eye dropper handy and add to the wine when bottling. If I say there are 5 glasses of wine in a bottle of wine, they I could add 10 ml of tincture to each bottle. So 300 ml of tincture would then effectively be enough for 30 bottles of wine.

Make sense? Any holes here in my theory? If not I sure as heck am going to do this - and start next week on it! I have both a batch of wine ready to bottle and a plant ready to chop down!

Please can anyone with some knowledge on the subject comment?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
If you place it in an everclear bottle the THC will go into the alcohol. The number of grams you put in, divided by 750ml will give you the equivalent grams of weed per mL of everclear. You can figure out your own desired dose based on the potency of your weed.

For example if you put 2 ounces in (56 grams) then you have 56 grams / 750 ml = 0.0747 grams per mL. Therefore if you take a 20 mL dose you get 20 mL of everclear along with 1.5 grams of weed.

I have never made wine, nor have I made a tincture, but I make "green dragon" all the time. It's like a tincture I suppose, though I usually do lower doses than you are suggesting (cos I have no problem doing a couple shots of everclear while I get high :) )I usually use 190 proof everclear, but you can use high proof vodka or 151 proof everclear. You want to grind up your plant material (bud, leaves, male plants even work). Put it on a cookie sheet in the oven at about 200*F for 10 minutes or so. This is to carboxylate the THC-a into its psychoactive form (the heat speeds this process up). Note this step is not necessary if you are cooking with it as the heat from the cooking process will do this. Then place it in your high proof alcohol of choice and store in a dark place. I shake mine up periodically. After it sits for a couple weeks I pour it through a layer of cheese cloth to remove all the solid pieces and store in an empty 750 ml bottle. My dose varies for each batch depending on the quality of the weed, the amount I put in, and the volume of alcohol I use.

A few things I want to mention:

I don't know how you will get the concentrations you are talking about. If you grind up 16 ounces of bud I don't think it will physically fit it in the 750 mL bottle, and if you use a larger container the 750mL won't be a large enough volume to cover all the plant material. So i'm not sure the upper limit on concentration, as I have never ventured that far. Nor have I ever had more than an ounce or so I can dedicate to making green dragon.

16 ounces = 448 grams in 750ml = 0.6 grams/ml.

1 ml of this would have 0.6 grams equivalent. Keep in mind that ingestion has a lower peak and lasts longer than smoking it. What I mean is smoking will get you real high real quick as it all enters your blood stream almost immediately. Digestion is a slower process so by the time last bit is entering your system the first part is already being metabolized. It basically stretches the high out over a longer period of time, so to get as "high" as you would from smoking you need a higher dose than you would for smoking. I think green dragon falls between smoking and actually eating it. I'm not sure if the alcohol just makes me feel it faster, or if it's actually absorbed faster because alcohol is easily absorbed into the blood stream as opposed to breaking down a brownie before it can be absorbed through the stomach lining.

The drink has a very strong taste. Partially because its everclear, but partially from the plant material. A shot of really dark green, almost black, green dragon tastes disgusting, but it gets the job done. I usually mix a shot with some soda. I suspect it would make the wine taste disgusting also unless you could get high enough concentrations that you only need a few ml as you suggest.

Of course you could scale all this down to a level you want. I would start small and see how it works out and how you like it. Even if you decide to do a large batch I would probably break it up into a few smaller batches. Like you said, if you drop that 1 bottle that has a lbs worth of weed in it and it breaks you will be really bumming.
Hehehe - thanks for the note. Yeah, I was referring to using 16 ounces if I scaled up the recipes I found online to actually make the marijuana wine from scratch to a scale of 30 bottles per batch.

If I do make the green dragon, I'm thinking I will only need like a 1/4 or 1/2 ounce of bud for a 26oz bottle of everclear, which should cover the amount needed to put in my wine! Now that I think of it, what I will do is make the green dragon, then test dosage (taste and strength) with a normal glass of wine. If that works, then I will just multiply the dosage by 4 or 5 for a bottle of wine (assuming there is 4-5 glasses of wine in a bottle). I'm going to be doing this over the course of for sure the next two weeks, so I'll let you guys know how it tastes!

I'm thinking of using a really oakey red wine, because the more to mask the taste the better! Plus, if I added it to a white wine, it would probably ruin the color terribly! ;-p

Then I'll just have to make sure I hide those bottles of special wine around Christmas! Don't want the whole family getting into it by accident! ;-p

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Hehehe - thanks for the note. Yeah, I was referring to using 16 ounces if I scaled up the recipes I found online to actually make the marijuana wine from scratch to a scale of 30 bottles per batch.

If I do make the green dragon, I'm thinking I will only need like a 1/4 or 1/2 ounce of bud for a 26oz bottle of everclear, which should cover the amount needed to put in my wine! Now that I think of it, what I will do is make the green dragon, then test dosage (taste and strength) with a normal glass of wine. If that works, then I will just multiply the dosage by 4 or 5 for a bottle of wine (assuming there is 4-5 glasses of wine in a bottle). I'm going to be doing this over the course of for sure the next two weeks, so I'll let you guys know how it tastes!

I'm thinking of using a really oakey red wine, because the more to mask the taste the better! Plus, if I added it to a white wine, it would probably ruin the color terribly! ;-p

Then I'll just have to make sure I hide those bottles of special wine around Christmas! Don't want the whole family getting into it by accident! ;-p
You may want to make it more concentrated than that. 1/2 ounce (14 grams) in a full 750 ml bottle will require 107 ml (about two FULL shots) to get about 2 grams worth of weed. You will not be able to mask that much everclear in a glass, or even an entire bottle of wine. I dont use the full amount of everclear. I usually put the bud in an empty 750ml bottle, then pour in enough everclear to just cover the top. My reasoning is that thc is extremely soluble in everclear, so it will all go in as long as you have enough to make contact to the entire surface of the solid particles. If the concentration is low you have no option to up your dosage other than increase the quantity of green dragon you consume. If its a higher concentration you can cut it with whatever you want. And if you still desire more everclear you can drink regular everclear to your hearts content to balance out the thc and alcohol you consume. So I recommend going as a high a concentration as you can, within reason.
A couple of questions for you 'guy incognito' or anyone else.....:

1) Have you heard of the method where you cook it in a hot water bath for 30 mins between 168-172 degrees F (like a double boiler)? Apparently this is a quick method for immediate consumption. I'm assuming this method just accelerates the disolving of THC in alcohol. Would you think the hot water bath method would ultimately work better then letting it sit and soak for a couple of weeks in the bottle for maximum THC extraction, or vice versa? I understand THC is highly dissolvable in everclear, so maybe it wouldn't matter?
2) For plant material - I understand bud would be higher in THC concentration - but can I use stems and fan leaves? And how about fresh (as in just chopped down) stems and fan leaves, or should I let them dry out first for a day or two?
3) Once I strain, all the liquid will be considered 'viable' (containing thc) green dragon. Would you recommend using some sort of press to squeeze every drop of liquid out of the leftover plant matter?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
1. Heat speeds up the process, so it would happen faster. I have never done it though. Use caution when heating a flammable liquid like everclear though.

2. Yes you can. This is usually what I do with mine. I even put the male plants that I chopped down in and it worked great. I have always let it dry, plus I bake it in the oven for a few minutes like I said in the first post, so that dries it out even more. I usually just grind everything up and leave it in, and just strain it out later.

3. I usually will pour an extra shot into the funnel over the plant material to clean off any thc clinging to it, then give it a squeeze.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I've also reused the plant material for multiple batches. ie make a batch, strain it out and get pure liquid green dragon. Then put the material back into a clean bottle and do a second batch on it. Subsequent batches will be noticeably less potent, but still have enough to pack enough punch to make it worthwhile for another round. I always do it because im gonna be drinking liquor anyway, and I might as well extract more thc rather than throw it away.
well, aswell as growing i produce alcohol aswell and im quite good at it :).
Anyway... alcohol evaporates at 78 degrees C, so you dont have to boil or worry about flame, unless your heating it with a gas stove because the vapor can explode..
But if you get or make some alcohol thats 190 proof, as you said crush it up and mix it with the alcohol, then just heat some water up to the 78 degree celcius mark and leave it for a while, it will evaporate quite quickly, i can distill 5L of 190 proof alcohol in 3 hours with only a small still, so a a single bottle shouldnt be too hard to evaporate.
if your still keen on making wine, get a fermenter, get some grapes or fruit, 20L of water, 4kg of dextrose, add the yeast, get a strainer bag with a string tied to it and let it dip in the fermenting solution.
The only health concerns you should be worried about is there will be wood material in there which can ferment into methanol, which can really fuck you up, send you blind, make you brain dead in the long run... heaps of horrible things.

although i dont think ive helped at all, more just rambled, but i hope it helps or gives you abit of insight.
Although now that i think of it, you could definitely boil the marijuana in water, which also extracts thc and then use that water in your batch of wine...?
Sounds great! Thanks for the info! I'm definitely going to try to post an exact recipe once I get it down pat! And my friends..... I am extremely effin determined to get this right!

As for the plant matter - can I even use the big stalks? If not using buds - eg using fan leaves, stalks, stems - should I use something like double the mass of buds so I have the increased THC?