Marijuana Simptoms


New Member
Ok I started growing about 2-3 weeks ago in a 50 inch tv box as it had the perfect setup for it Its about 3 ft tall 8 in wide from front to back and 4-5 ft long from side to side lined with 3 strips of foil

I have two connectable 14 w flourecent tubes going up the wall on each side of the plant on 24/7 about 5 in away
and a 60 w GE plant light that helps me regulate the temp if it gets to cold about 3 ft away

Also two 5 in fans blowing all day and night That provide the perfect breeze

I'm growing them in NK all purpose soil it has peat moss, hort vermiculite,
Perlite and organic wetting agent

I water 3 times a day morning, afternoon and bedtime on mist setting

And since I added less that 1\4 nutes last night My plant looked worse in the morning

I use Nestlé gallon water I think it has a few minerals for taste like calcium chloride sodium bicarbonate and magnesium sulfate

My p/h is fine about 6.8- 7.0
Temp stays at 70 80f

No bugs although I killed a nat or w/e it's called about 2 days ago
And checked for any signs of it affecting my plant but none found

my first plant( mystery ) was doing fine till week 2 and 5th day the round leaves that it first had started to yellow and shrivel
Then the tips of the other leaves started to turn yellow at the tips and curl upward and also shriveled up
what did I do wrong??


Active Member
Why do u water it so many times a day? does the soil dry up that fast? seems like you might be over watering..... but do u have any pics you can share?


Well-Known Member
I've got to go along with watering too often, 3 times a day seems way too much for soil, you're drowning your plants that's why they're slowly dying.


New Member
yeah way to much water, you want your roots to look for the water if its to wet they cant even breath and wont grow. you should only water at the most once a day. some times i even skip a day if my soil is still damp. you want it alittle on the dry side before you give them more water. The most common way people kill there plants is to much water. Gotta tike when they are in the wild it doesnt rain every morning, afternoon, and night time.


Well-Known Member
wow alot of watering for soil. I water my plants in veg once a day and some of the smaller ones get water every other day


Active Member
yeah next time you go to water make sure the soil is pretty dry but not just the top soil, usually I stick a toothpick into the soil like an inch or so to make sure the rest of the soil id dry.