Marijuana March Toronto

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Well-Known Member
theres been a change of plans, everyones coming to the Marijuana march in NY!!! that'll be all


Well-Known Member
awww :(
I'm going to be going next month, but to montreal, and again this summer though, probably to tornto, but I'll be alittle late :(... and also early :(


Well-Known Member
I think canadas getting gready!!! they already have medical marijuana for the whole dammn place, and mail order mary, cant help us out alittle man :( :P :P :P


New Member
Well yeaaahhhhh. We can now sent mm via mail and all.

And tck. I have my mm membership and I'm so gonna be legal........:hump:......

and for any of you who don't like it .....

you can kiss my fat .......oppps.....saw on the tyra banks show and thought it was hilarious. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
I think canadas getting gready!!! they already have medical marijuana for the whole dammn place, and mail order mary, cant help us out alittle man :( :P :P :P


Well-Known Member
I think canadas getting gready!!! they already have medical marijuana for the whole dammn place, and mail order mary, cant help us out alittle man :( :P :P :P
wow i dident even know that lol. so what are you guys marching for? your all set. come to the usa and help use get what you have allready.


New Member
No way. Must suck to be you guys. :hump:

I'm just kidding wif ya. Hey we would if we could. :?
wow i dident even know that lol. so what are you guys marching for? your all set. come to the usa and help use get what you have allready.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
We can't go to the usa, they have a war going on there, lol. a "war on drugs", lol. I will stay here where it is safe thanks, lol. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
man!!! I never thought I'd see the day!!! all the girls are taming up on us :(, and canadians too!!!! MAN!!! we never stand a chance! :(


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
man!!! I never thought I'd see the day!!! all the girls are taming up on us :(, and canadians too!!!! MAN!!! we never stand a chance! :(

We do have united front eh? Keep the weed here,lol Much safer to smoke and grow here, lol. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
Damn, I wanna go so fucking bad now! Now I just need to find a friend who has a car, haha. I take it shouldn't be too hard to smoke some weed right? Hole, I might take you up on that offer bro ;-)


New Member
Yep us Canucks are very scary peeps.

If ya ever try and rob us at our front doorstep, look out cause......

we might just shine a flash light in your face :shock:

so be veryyyyy careful:fire:


We do have united front eh? Keep the weed here,lol Much safer to smoke and grow here, lol. :mrgreen::peace:

The 420 Wookie

Active Member
New member tonight, hells yeah! I definatly want to meet some of you, maybe score some clones >.>? hehehe. I am also a first time grower :)
I JUST put 4 seeds from the bottom of a qp i bought of this amazing bud. No seeds in the weed, but weirdly in the shake...4.
So, they just got in their paper towel and I have a computer hollowed out to try and do my first indoor stealth :D
T-dot!!! :D
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