Marijuana Hotbed Retreats on Medicinal Use


Well-Known Member
you stole my thunder! good's another from the bbc about how easy it is to get a prescription - BBC NEWS | Programmes | From Our Own Correspondent | High times for medicinal marijuana

i don't know if that dude from the Ukiah in the NYT story sells to a club or what. but damn! I wouldn't let a NYT reporter in my grow room. Even if i wasn't pulling down $25k every 3 mo. Dude must be flowering around 50 plants every grow.

I also thought it was funny about the dude who had 20 prop 215 letters on his fence allowing him 25 plants per letter! 500 plants! Damn! Thats gettin pretty close to the Luke Scarmazzo operation. I feel bad for that kid, but he shoulda been a little more discreet.

Regardless, looks like more regulation is on its way in Cali.