
Well-Known Member
Stop beating a dead horse. You've literally brought this up to me 10+ times now.

Apparently it's extremely hard for you to wrap your head around things.

Don't you ever get sick of being a parrot and just repeating the same nonsensical bullshit over and over and over?
I'm interested in what kinds of controls would be acceptable to gun owners. It sounds like the only concession you are willing to make is an increase in the age. You do realize that you are on the losing side of this don't you?

Gun owners are a tiny minority, about 30% of all households in the US own a gun. Those kids and their riveting stories about how gun violence affected their lives are the tipping point in this argument. Already between 65% and 70% of people in the US say they are in favor of stricter controls on sales of guns, universal background checks with no loopholes via private sales and bans on some types of guns. That's an overwhelming majority.

Gun nuts like you are in no position to make demands. You should consider working with us to make a better system of gun controls. You can't win by strutting about and demanding nothing change. I guarantee that without input from the gun owning community, you won't like what non gun owners will put in place. Do you really want that?

So, what I'd like to know is what gun control measures would you recommend to reduce gun homicides in this country to that of other developed nations?


Well-Known Member
I just love how people who have never bought a gun, are now experts on how easy it is to obtain one.

Fucking lol.
Should Dylan Roof have had that gun?

The guy in Texas?

There were complaints that the shooter in Florida should have been denied.

Facts show that it's too easy for the wrong people to get a gun. You, on the other hand whine about the system taking three whole days. LOL. Keep crying. Your tears are delicious.


Well-Known Member
Politicizing and indoctrinating our youth into a set of thinking... I think you can compare It pretty well against the Hitler youth
I wish the NRA, the gun nuts who oppose gun controls and the mass shooters they foist upon the public would stop indoctrinating our kids by committing mass murder upon them.

I will say that Kasky, Gonzalez, Wind and Corin are riveting when they talk about their experiences. Also the girl from Chicago's tale told during the protest was something to pay attention to.

They cut you deep, didn't they?


Well-Known Member
I wish the NRA, the gun nuts who oppose gun controls and the mass shooters they foist upon the public would stop indoctrinating our kids by committing mass murder upon them.

I will say that Kasky, Gonzalez, Wind and Corin are riveting when they talk about their experiences. Also the girl from Chicago's tale told during the protest was something to pay attention to.

They cut you deep, didn't they?
It's funny you bring up Chicago how are gun control laws working there again?


Well-Known Member
Yet the murder Rate is through the roof I guess the criminals decided f your laws
You asked me how the gun control law is working and I can quite truthfully tell you that it works just fine. Chicago has bad neighbors who don't regulate gun sales. People in Chicago are getting killed because the gun industry is poorly regulated in most of this country.

Sir Napsalot

Well-Known Member
Go walk into the closest gun store and try to buy an AR-15 right now. I bet it takes you either an hour for them to do your background check, or they tell you to get fucked and come back when you have a permit to purchase. Aka a police background check.
Oregon's background check system takes ~5 minutes


Well-Known Member
You asked me how the gun control law is working and I can quite truthfully tell you that it works just fine. Chicago has bad neighbors who don't regulate gun sales. People in Chicago are getting killed because the gun industry is poorly regulated in most of this country.
And they leave their trash cans at the curb all week.

Terrible neighbors.


Well-Known Member
So you are saying that one cannot research this without actually buying a gun? Do you think the Earth is round?

How do you know that the Earth is round if you have never been in orbit?

Cough, cough.
If it weren't I would have already booked a flight to fly over one of the edges to experience what gravitational collision feels like as I transition. I'm sure all of the cool videos of people flying over the edge would get me interested as well... oh, and those gigantic sea waterfalls falling over the edges would be cool to see, maybe take a boat there.


Well-Known Member
More, many more than attended the inauguration.

How many attended the inauguration? Not even all Republican congressmen. Excepting those who had to show as a sign of fealty, how many attended? Maybe 12 people?
How many Republican congressmen attended the protest? Since somehow that is the metric these gatherings must be measured by.


Well-Known Member
You are an idiot.

I can write reams about the flaws in your pathetic attempt at logic but you are nowhere near worth the effort and my time would be wasted due to your lack of knowledge and intellectual dishonesty.

So I will just leave it at that, you are an idiot.

It is shameful that such a large portion of our country can do no better than you.
So you can’t actually write those “reams” you claim, but merely claim he is an idiot?


Well-Known Member

Skip to 5:38 where he begins to talk in a halting wheezing fashion to an imaginary person.

He even lost in a debate with an imaginary friend.

I refuse to debate with a senile old man.
Yeah, best not to. After he made you look like a fool, he’d probably beat your ass, too.


Well-Known Member
Oh, that was your logical case - that 17 year olds can't lead or think? You lost when you made your first post. Claiming victory just makes you a pigeon.

Wanna play "logic"? All we have to do is find a single case of a 17 year old accomplishing great things to disprove your point. Google Alexander the Great.

You lose.

Yes, great things. Killing 1/2 million of his own men to conquer area they retreaded from afterward